Susan Greene
Updated: Fri, 26 May 2017 08:47 pm
I enjoy writing poetry and I also like to paint.
Driving home from school today I saw the lights Tried to fathom what they say It was nothing, a distraction Pray pray pray I write this now before time comes to play No longer no shorter Could even be today Never will we know No matter what I say Pray pray pray Today could be your day That is truly the only way the poem happens in all day Yesterday today and tomorrow Feel the sorrow...it does not sway Gets stronger and louder day by day Pray pray pray Back to the beginning and around the bend No distractions can we spend Time is money and money is pray No time like the present Pray pray pray
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Susan Greene
Time to Rhyme and Say Hello (20/07/2017)
The Granddaughter Plays (29/06/2017)
VOTAW (MY Friend) (23/05/2017)
Herbal Tea (For Mr. Hill) (09/05/2017)
Playing (07/05/2017)
Pure (07/05/2017)
Coffee (06/05/2017)
I See the Path (06/05/2017)
New Blog Entry (06/05/2017)
Such a Pretty Day (05/05/2017)
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