The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Suzanne Waller

Updated: Tue, 19 May 2020 05:10 am

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I’m here to share my poetry to who ever will listen.

The Ghosts Of Covid-19

We see you and reach out amidst this sea of unknown faces We watch through tears, in silence and remember familiar places Where once the streets held smiles from many families black and white Where music flowed through windows, well into the night Where street lamps held the kisses of all lovers neath the moon This chance I never got to feel being taken far too soon Our voices now but echoes, our footprints lie unseen Forgotten through the chaos due to Covid 19 We did our best we followed rules we tried to save each other Mothers, Fathers, communities, Sisters, friends and Brothers. Others simply disregarded all the good We'd done So the unseen virus hovered and took us one by one I had so much to live for. I was only 17 Yet there are no human boundaries in the hands of Covid 19 I came down sick, I couldn't breath, I coughed, I begged for air My Mother had done all she could through tears, fears and despair and as they placed me on the trolley my Mother held me tight and whispered softly in my ear, Your going yo be alright The ambulance doors swiftly closed, my thoughts were getting home That's the last I saw of Mum, I died there all alone Within the sterile white cold walls, another death obcene Just another statistic in the hands of Covid 19 Now we pray in shadows. We reach out arms stretched wide And plead to you to save each other by staying well inside. Stand strong, unite across the world, your strength needs to be seen That time will come when you all will be free. You can beat this Covid 19.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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