The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Kingsland Poet Tree

Updated: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 11:43 am

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The Kingsland Poet Tree is a fantastic poetry project with pupils from Kingsland Special School near Wakefield in Yorkshire. We’ve created a tree on the library wall and are asking poets to help us fill the branches with donated poems, ones that appeal to our pupils, including Brennan, Charlotte and Kinny (pictured with Stephen Mellor). Write Out Loud put out an appeal on their news pages and that has brought in several poems. You can see photos of them in our gallery. We are now are looking for a few more poems from you all. The idea is to use poetry as part of a communication group to help these 10-year-old pupils gain experience of speaking and listening. Poems should be simple and accessible enough for pupils with severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties, although must not insult their intelligence either. There’s an example below. Opened in September 2002, Kingsland School has up to 70 places for pupils aged between two and 11 and is Wakefield’s only primary day community special school. The teaching assistants in charge of the group are Jacquie Thornton and Hilary. As well as poems for the tree, we have invited local writers in to talk to the group. This has been so successful that we are is hoping others will follow suit, the sessions being on Thursday mornings from 9.30 till 10.30. But please don't turn up without an appointment. So, if you fancy sending us a poem, please register as a member of this group and send via the messaging system. Please note carefully that by sending such a poem you are deemed to have given the school permission to use it and to be the copyright holder. Please do not send anyone else's work without their permission, though we would be delighted to hear of existing poems or other writing that might be of interest. Thanks for your anticipated help with this.

What we do

My Dad I went to see a Rugby match They threw a ball for my Dad to catch My Dad he ran and chased that ball That ball wasn't even round at all They shouted things he had to do You wouldn't believe the air was blue My Dad he ran up and down the grass With that ball to make a pass They kicked that ball high into the air Missed the goal and made the crowd swear My Dad he grabbed that ball and ran He gave it to his biggest fan Thanks Dad!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Mon 5th Nov 2012 13:50

Lovely to see you on here and to hear how the project develops. x

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 5th Nov 2012 11:00

Lovely to welcome you to WOL.

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