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Trev the Road Poet

Updated: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 07:40 pm

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Welcome to the profile and blog of Trev the Road Poet, said to be one of the UK's most prolific traveling poets, Trev, is pictured reading at San Benito Community Building, venue for the final event the closing Pachanga of the 2023 Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival. Real name Trevor Wainwright: He is based in Castleford, West Yorkshire. Lives, Cares, Believes, Stubborn, Awkward, Argumentative, Controversial, all the good qualities of a poet, as in the poem "I Like", and not a bad bloke really. He says of himself: I started writing poetry about events in the Fire Brigade round about 1990, and still do when I get a good memory jolt of an event, later becoming a community based poet, I have written on a variety of subjects, not all of them popular including AIDS and ME, the purpose being to raise awareness and greater understanding. My poems on the subject have been published to worldwide acclaim, and have been well received by those involved in the illnesses. I have also been part of reading teams to raise awareness of the illnesses. I like writing poems about clever buggers getting their comeuppance and the underdog coming out on top. As can be seen in the poem Bobbing and Weaving which takes its title from a poem about a prostitute getting stabbed to death, supposedly humorous, in my version the female fights back and wins, and it is based on a true story as related to me by those who saw what happened, when they stopped laughing. I also enjoy performing my poems and others, and can think of no better tribute than when having read one of my poems at an event, someone asks me to read one of theirs. I have read in front of Bishops, MP's, Mayors, Councillors, in churches, theatres, cafes, pubs, outside in the streets, in parks, one of my greatest moments was to read war poetry on the streets of Castleford to highlight the need for humanitarian aid for the victims of the Yugoslavian civil war in 1995, aid which I delivered myself, two years later I would do the same for Kosovo. In 2004 I wrote a poem called African Anguish to highlight the plight of the people of Africa and to criticise the work done by the G8 Countries, it was at the time hailed as my greatest work and sold well providing life saving inoculations for hundreds of African children. I continued to write occasionally. 2011 I used poetry as a means of therapy whilst recovering from a cataract operation, and using the stage name Trev Cas' Lad, I took part in the Austin International Poetry Festival and Lamesa Forrest Fest where at both festivals my Yorkshire accent wit and humour endeared me to many with a hope that I would come back. After the festivals I embarked on a tour of America eventually arriving at New York having driven 4,700 miles and wrote 88 poems with material for even more. Whilst in New York the news came through that Bin Laden had been killed, I commemorated it with a poem that went down well at Bar 13 in New York. I flew home with some great memories, and began to write more poems and go to more open mics. 2012: Another American Tour two festivals, (Lamesa Forrest Fest again and McAllen Valley International Poetry Festival, my first time) and other open mics in Texas writing poems as I travelled, a total of 175 so changed my name to Trev the Road Poet and was described by a local newspaper as "A writer of light verse", the Americans loved it. The Austin festival had been moved to September, I didn't get to know this until after I had booked my trip so decided to travel rather than spend the time in Austin I made an alternative plan, I would travel to Laredo spend the night then into Mexico and to Monterrey, then across Mexico to Juarez rejoining Texas at El Paso. I was advised against it due to Juarez being one of the most dangerous cities in the world and run by a drug cartel. I took the advice did a tour of the Texas Coastline and Rio Grande Valley, capturing it all in rhyme, and meeting some great people as I went. 2013: I hit Texas again covering the Lamesa and Rio Grande Valley festivals and new open mics at which I was asked to come back in 2014. Again I wrote whilst travelling, 158 with a full total of 160. This time I was only away 19 days. As such had not registered for the Austin Festival but managed 2 days before heading out to Lamesa to do festival promotion there, I was able to meet up with friends from previous festivals after which I had a few days in Austin before heading down to the Rio Grande Valley I also was the first UK Poet to read at The Townhouse Museum in Matamoros, Mexico. I also added the title the Rhymey Limey to my list of stage names. 2014: Once more Texas and once more very prolific, breaking new ground, and doing different features I also did voluntary work for Austin Wildlife Rescue and wrote poems about it. One highlight was a visit to Terre Haute, birthplace of the great philosopher Max Ehrman, writer of the evergreen spiritual classic, Desiderata. Sat at the side of his statue I composed a poem about what was going on around me, a friend later used it as the basis for a song. In total I wrote 153 and travelled 3885 miles, bringing my total tour poems to 578 including those written on the run up, as I believe this stage is as important as the tour itself. 2015: Another tour of Texas for national Poetry Month, again doing voluntary work at Austin Wildlife Rescue. This year I had a poem published in the AIPF anthology Di-verse-ity, took second place in the Lamesa Forrest Fest Peggy Zuliika Lynch Poetry Competition, having two poems published in their anthology and three poems published in the RGVIPF anthology Boundless. The first time I have made all three poetry festivals, and been in all three anthologies. Whilst in Austin and reciting ad a bar called BD Riley's I met a man from Doncaster, 13 miles form where I live, he was working there and said the last thing he expected was to hear a Yorkshire Poet in Texas, but was glad he did. This time I wrote 155 poems bringing my total tour poems since 2011 to 733. I also garnered the nickname, Trev the Minuteman Poet due to my quickness at being able to come up with a poem. 2016 My 6th consecutive Texas tour, same main events this time taking in new fringe events, writing as I travel on what is happening around me. This time I wrote 164 poems and gave talks at schools in deprived areas, which went down well, the students really loved it. It brought my total road poems to 897, but I wasn't prepared for what was waiting at the end of the year when I would travel once more. This time a place I've long wanted to visit, The Holy Land, over 9 days I wrote 50 poems such was the inspiration, which brought my total to 947, and adding yet another name to my list: Trev the Pilgrim Poet reciting poems I written on location of the subject matter. 2017 New Years day and following inspiration whilst watching the rain wrote my first poem of the year and 5th of my planned Texas tour, which I wrote on a pew sheet at the local church during the vicar's sermon. It is also the year I added another name that of Trev the Radio Poet as I joined 5 Towns Radio, Castleford as a presenter and added poetry events to the community activity promos. My third show co-incided with the 33rd anniversary of the Miners Strike, so I themed it as a commemoration of that and the decline of the mining industry with my own and others poetry on the subject, inter spaced with music from colliery bands. On Friday 10th March whilst taking part in Talking Zebras annual Lend us your ears fundraiser for Kirkwood Hospice, I linked together a series of poems written on the way back from Austin Airport to Castleford last year covering the journey in rhyme on 4 minutes and gained a further name "Trev the Flying Poet". Also in 2017 in April I completed a 7th consecutive tour of Texas for National Poetry Month, reaching 1,000 traveling poems and ending with 1,111 to my credit. On August 6th I began a poetry slot called Way With Words on my radio show, a 30 min slot for poets known and unknown to showcase their work and talk about themselves giving an insight to the personality behind the poetry, with help from friend promoting it before the month ended I had the slots booked until the end of the year. In September instead of celebrating National Poetry Day, 5 Towns Radio decided to make a week of it. Word went out and we received over 70 poems to play, I did 4 shows, one of them interviewing myself. At the beginning of October at a new venue it was decided to hold a write a poem and read it in a minute competition on a given theme the first one to be in November, the theme was "Gravy" I wrote mine the night before and to my surprise it won, making me "Cafe Lux Inaugural Poem in a minute winner November 2017, and I wrote a poem about it. The year ended with a final radio slot on New Years Eve where I once again interviewed myself on Way With Words calling it "A Year in the Life of A Rhymey". 2018: This year I was able to add facebook live to my shows as such listeners were able to see as well has hear the guests, this proved very popular, and increased listener figures. In March in reply to a request from the project Music for ME for singers and poets to record their work for a CD to be sold to raise funds for ME Research I submitted some recording of my ME Awareness poems, and was pleased to hear they had been accepted. Plus another tour of Texas in which I attended more open mics in addition to the Austin Festival, helped establish a new event in Lamesa, called the Earth Day Festival it will run every Earth Day weekend and in between be a community permaculture study centre. I also received an award for services to poetry in the Rio Grande Valley. On my return to Castleford I was invited to join a new internet radio station, Smile Radio, as some form of poet in residence. Things went well for a few events, then it tapered off due to problems with finding a location. At 5 Towns Radio by the end of July I realised Way With Words had been running for a year, so I posted the news on Facebook, mentioning in chronological order all the guests and thanking them. Some of whom had turned up on appeal and the show was the first time we had met. September saw me win SWALK's 60 second challenge for the second time with a short stanza, a take on American Pie, called Yorkshire Pie as if Don Mclean had been born in Yorkshire, the same way I wrote Walkin' i' Barnsley as if Marc Cohn had also been born in Yorkshire, both went down well. Yorkshire Pie would eventually have four verses. October and a great moment for 5 Towns Radio. We won an award for Best Community Group, we got the most votes from the public many of them from the poetry world. I also performed at The Ilkley Lit Fest Fringe for the first time as part of a troupe led by Maria Stephenson writing teacher and former guest on my show, we had previously performed our poetry on Chapel FM a Leeds based Community Radio Station, it went well, it was suggested that we put the works together in an anotholgy. I had already appeared at the annual get together at Ilkla' moor Vaults, where Yorkshire Pie went down well with audience participation along with "Me owd pit clogs" a Yorkshireisation of Blue Suede Shoes. My 3rd appearance at the fest was when I was picked for the annual open mic competition, and was Highly Commended for my updated rendition of Walkin' in Barnsley, I was really pleased. There was a moment of sadness too when I heard that my friend Don Sitton radio presenter for KPET in Lamesa West Texas passed away, I first appeared on his show in 2011, and with the exception of 2014 became a regular on his morning show during the Lamesa Festivals. We became good friends each of us looking forward to my annual visit I wrote a poetic tribute to him and sent it to my friends in Texas, and read it out at an open mic in Harrogate at the exact time his funeral was being held. It was also my 4th poem of my 2019 Tour Collection. 2018 ended with me setting the Nativity and Epiphany in Castleford and giving it a modern setting. The American Gothic Rock Gospel Band Ministry of Angels provided some new music for the Castleford Nativity, readings from both went down well, particularly on my radio programme. 2019: Following on from having Jesus born in Castleford I decided to set the Gospel in Castleford, readings from this in my own style went down well with audiences, but I doubt they'd have gone down well with the church hierarchy. At one open mic I was introduced as the poet that nobody knows what he is going to say. Later after a short performance where annoyed at having arrived early I was kept while last for a 5 minute slot nearly three and a half hours I took to the stage saying it was late and I was going for the shortest ever performance there, I said my name, then "thank you, goodnight" many I told about it thought it funny they also thought the poem I wrote equally as funny, and earned me the title of the poet that nobody knows what he is going to do. March and The Hut, base of 5 Towns Radio changed hands but the programmes still carried on along with Way With Words and more newer guests were brought to the fore, but we did not expect what would happen later. April and once more I was Texas bound for their National Poetry Month, not expecting what would happen, and that it would be acclaimed by others as my best tour yet by those attending who said I had variety and presence, and they understood me more. My reply "It's only taken them 9 years". The tour included an interview on a community radio station in Austin which went well and I came away with a free tee shirt, prior to which I had enjoyed a free taco for making up and reciting on the spot, a poem about the taco bar. Lamesa saw me being interviewed by a new presenter on their local radio, we got on so well, the interviews went like a dream. My time in the Rio Grande Valley saw more good performances, and a chance to meet up with a student I had encouraged last year, she showed me her work and was pleased that I complimented her. I also spent a morning working voluntary at a Migrant Centre, there being no poetry, I went down well there too with my interaction. My accent was a hit with many, including one student who asked his teacher how he could learn to talk like me. An invite to have supper with a Mexican family in Reynosa, Mexico led to my friend Thom giving me the title Trev the Ambassador Poet, not unknown as I was once referred to as Castleford's one man poetry ambassador. May, coming back to the UK was mixed fortunes, during the last week of April a mixup saw broadband go down at The Hut leaving 5 Towns Radio off the air for an unspecified period. On the bright side there was an invite from Radio 4 to do an interview about the Yorkshire Dialect and my poetry done in it. I agreed thinking "fame at last". The interview went ahead and I was part of Tongue & Talk: The Yorkshire Dialect on Sunday June 16. I received some good comments and garnered another title: Trev the Dialect Poet. Shortly after mid June while waiting for something to happen at 5 Towns radio I contacted South Leeds Radio and was invited to join them, I recorded an hour long pilot show called South Leeds Classics it included poetry. It went well so I was invited to do more and did, they would go out on a Monday night and be repeated on the following Tuesday night. 5 Towns Radio finally got back on air on July 1st it would be July 14 before I did a live show due to other problems. Then it was decided that The Hut would bring its opening times into line with other council properties, which resulted in the end of my Sunday Classics programme as it fell outside of these hours. I changed it to 5 Towns Classics wi' Poetry and it ran for an hour, on the same style as South Leeds Classics. I decided to set parts of Genesis and Exodus in Yorkshire, using Yorkshire dialect and accent, it went down a storm and initially 4 poems has the potential for more and is still ongoing. I also wrote a protest poem about how people look at the hideously disfigured having worked with them, it to went down a storm moving many almost to tears, bringing many compliments. Towards the end of the year I was invited to contribute to an open mic highlighting Mental Illness and PTSD I recited a trilogy I had written at a workshop in 2013, the first part being about going down with it, as I read it felt like I was living it, the same with parts 2 and 3 as with support the person gets well, it went down a storm. Towards the end of the year South Leeds Radio went of the air as it moved to a new premises and played recorded programmes on a loop system hoping to get back live on air in the new new year My final project for 2019 was to set 11 of my Christmas Poems to 11 Christmas songs which I did and they went out as a recorded programme on Christmas Day to great acclaim. 2020: The year began slowly with regards to writing but there was plenty of open mics, South Leeds Radio was still off the air. In 2019 work had begun on the antholgy as suggested after the Ilkley Lit Fest, it would be called More Poetry for the Newly Single 40 Something. It was completed by January and given its first launch on 5 Towns Radio on Jan 17, going out also on facebook live and getting over 700 views. Its official launch was Jan 31 at The Black Horse, Otley, on both occasions it went down well. January was also the month I did Poets Against Racism in York and performed at Bradford Cathedral, 2 more new venues. February and more poems were added to to my collection in the run up section as I headed toward a total of 1500 which may well have reached over 1600 by the end of the tour, but somewhere in China things weren't looking good as a new virus was emerging and would spread across the world with devastating consequences. I had submitted Beatitudes for the Hideous to the Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival anthology Boundless. But thing were moving quicker than I thought as the virus reached Europe and countries went on lockdown. It reached the USA and spread, they then banned flights from certain parts of Europe, it was only a matter of time. On March 17 it was official as the UK joined the list of banned countries 10 days off departure day. This was followed by events closing as Government advice for containment came into effect. One of the worst things was "Beatitudes for the Hideous" was picked for "Boundless" yes I was really proud. I was looking forward to doing it justice at the opening night and throughout my tour along with the PTSD trilogy but it was not to be. Then The Hut closed and so did 5 Towns Radio, and so that seemed it as the country prepared to face the virus. Open mics were tried online I found them hard to access my first attempt ended up with me leaving. I did do the April Poem a Day event and decided to use Facebook Live as a platform for all my travel poems. The original idea was to do a poem a day until a cure was found, I deemed that impractical as there are 1500, so I hit on the idea that I would do the poems in day order starting on April 1. A friend also started a group called Writing Group where the host gave out a subject on a daily basis, this proved handy for coming up with quick couplets or short stanzas before I left for my voluntary work. I also joined the National Poetry Writing Month poem a day project for April, ending up with 41 poems about my volunteering and what I would have been doing had it not been for the Coronavirus outbreak, as part of my Texas Tour. all poems were published on my facebook page at the end of the day, some to great acclaim, one being considered for a Pandemic Poetry Anthology, people saying they felt the emotion I put in writing the poems, coming out in the reading of them, one woman wanting to hear me recite one asked for a video recording of it, which was duly sent and enjoyed. During the lockdown there were online open mics, at first I had problems but persevered and eventually was able to access more online open mics. Meanwhile the poem I sent for the Pandemic Poetry Anthology had been accepted as had the recording the project for which had been shown to great acclaim on facebook. Later I would learn of a similar project in Texas I sent for info submitting some of my work and to my delight was asked to chose a poem for it, completing an anthology hat trick not done since Texas 2015. On being asked if there were any UK poets who may be interested, I put the word out and we got 19, including 12 from Yorkshire. The English anthology went live on June 18 as an e book reaching number 11 in the Amazon best sellers list. it was planned to release it as a paperback later. the Texas one was planned for July. I made it 4 when a jokey poem about working as a Charity Shop Stockman was accepted for an anthology to raise funds for Cancer. On Sat June 27 I took part in a 100,000 Poets for Change online international event with poets from all over the world, it was a great experience with so much diversity. On July 25 I would see and hear 2 poetry friends in a similar event. Anthology submission number 5 was accepted by Waco Cultural Arts in Texas for their annual WordFest, the subject was "Fire" so I sent a funny one based on a true event, a conversation in a Fire Engine returning to base after a fire. The year continued online open mics still taking the place of live ones but they were great events to promote the anthologies, there looked to be light at the end of the tunnel as cases dropped and a virus was found, as a result at the back end of September I started composing again, a new selection of poems for a hoped for 2021 tour, but cases started rising again and a new strain of the virus emerged and once again we went into lockdown. In December someone at a poetry group suggested a poetry advent calendar, so I decided I would do one Haiku style, one for each day leading up to Christmas Eve and all relevant, it went down well. I had also heard that South Leeds Radio had started again but they had not contacted me, I decided not to chase them up. One of my closing poems of 2020 ended with a note of optimism due to the vaccine being rolled out to get out there in 2021 2021 My first poem was written after breakfast, it's ending referred to Texas, hoping to be there in the Spring but if not try and get there whatever time of year, seeing it's beauty whatever season. This gave way to comments from my friends over there "Texas awaits you" There would be plenty to do even if there was no poetry festival, and so the poem continued along with an event February came and things were getting busy with the food bank, it was obvious that I would not be going to Texas this Spring I decided to leave 5 Towns Radio giving a months notice, it was all done amicably, I left on March 16th but did everything possible to ensure a smooth transition of roles for when the station gets back on the air. I featured in 3 more anthologies, once again Boundless with a poem from my 2020 NaPoWriMo collection "A Day in April" what happened on a certain day. The Tablerock Poetry Festival Animal Tales with "New Day. New Arrival" from my 2014 Texas tour and my time spent working at Austin Wildlife Rescue, and 3 funny ones from NaPoWriMo 2020 for Tales of a Pandemic a humorous collection of poems and short stories from a group called A Couch Potato and Friends, the proceeds going to a clothing bank. At the end of March I closed the first section of poems I had started in September, as Trev’s hoped for 2021 Tour, calling it The Run Up Pt 1 Still In Lockdown with 38 poems it brought my total to 1542. I decided to do the NaPoWriMo 2021 (Poem a Day for April), and start the second section in May as The Run Up Pt 2 Coming out of Lockdown. I managed 40 poems for NaPoWriMo, one short of the 41 I did in 2020. Nothing much happened until June 6, a friend had suggested an open mic on Baildon Moor, a spot called Cinder Caves, a big piece of what looks like cinder sticking out of Baildon Moor. We did some test runs prior to the event, sound checks, videos of how to get there and decided to go for it. Hailed as the first open air open mic coming out of lockdown it was a great success, everybody wanted another one which was planned for July 4 but postponed due to the weather. Another went ahead on July 11, few in attendance but enjoyable and relaxed, The next one would be August 1st. Also in June I was invited to read humanitarian poems on the Steps of Bradford Cathedral by another friend for the close of Refugee Week. This too although only a few were there, was a really enjoyable event. Joe Biden, US President had met with Boris Johnson in the UK and hinted at the travel ban from the UK to the USA being lifted so I prepared an itinerary, incorporating a festival in Georgetown should I be able to get over. Then news came in from West Texas of some events over four days in August I sent an expression of interest which went down well. The organisers in West Texas were keen to have me there and have virtual events round the time zone so I could join in if I couldn't make it over there. I for my part decided I would be ready to fly out at 5 days notice, arriving three days before the events which would give me time to get there without rushing. So it was a matter of wait and see July and a surprise as another anthology I had contributed to "Animal Tales 2021" by Tablerock Poets of Texas, I had sent a poem about my time working at Austin Wildlife Rescue for the first time. I was one of 5 poets from Yorkshire, 3 whom I have performed with. A week later I got news that another anthology I had been accepted for in April was being released on July 19 so called Freedom Day when restrictions would be lifted and people would be expected to proceed with caution and take responsibility for their actions. A zoom event was was organised to celebrate, it was another charity anthology the money going to a Yorkshire based charity, The Clothing Bank. I had hoped to fly out to Austin for August, the initial plan to fly out on July 31st, this was changed to August 2 to allow me to take in 2 open mics in Yorkshire before flying out. It was not to be though, the ban was still in place, it would mean attending Georgetown online, and hoping the ban would be lifted in time for me to get to West Texas, the promoters had really gone to town, promoting me on the posters as United Kingdoms Trev the Road Poet. Sadly it was not to be, the ban remained in place I was able to access part of the Georgetown event via zoom, open mics on a Saturday morning which was their afternoon, the evening was workshops so I declined as I had other things on. West Texas and I would have been taking part in an event called Summer Rhymers with the Permian Basin Poets at Midland College. The posters had been done showing me in person, this to was not to be but someone came up with the idea of my work being read by someone else and images of me been shown. I agreed to this, and was told it went down well. The person who read my work said he had enjoyed it, it was an honour and would like to meet me in person, he later followed it up with an open invitation to call next time I as passing, give them notice and they would try and set up things so I could talk to the students In September President Biden had said the ban on UK citizens could be lifted in early November, I began to look forward to this, but would wait until confirmation, eventually it was said the ban would lift on November 8, so I made plans to fly out on the 10th with a pre flight covid test on the 8th covering the three days condition between test and arrival. Sadly on 25 October having applied for my ESTA I put my back out delivering food parcels and again it looked like a delay. I had a Plan B and C but it took longer than I thought for my back to heal fully so I decided rather than go with the risk of it recurring I cancelled my trip to ensure full recovery and and began to think about going out in 2022, hopefully more than once. 2022 came and my back was still bad, I had hoped it would be ok for March and I could go out to Texas again but it was not to be. I got really down not writing and attending a few events which I considered important, but even then I was only there for there for the first half, except for April's Poetry on The Moor, there was only a few of us and it was nice to get out. I also decided to do NaPoWriMo for April in the hope that it would get me writing again, while my back improved and I could make plans to go to Texas in the fall. My back did improve, plans were made and I did fly out on November 3rd planning to stop till Dec 3. By the time I arrived I'd written 14 poems on departure day, I wrote none before for fear of my hopes being in vain again. Whilst in Austin I wrote a further 53 it felt good to be writing again although there weren't many open mics it was great to be back, some hosts looked in amazement as I walked in it was great to meet up with them again, also my voluntary work at Austin Wildlife Rescue was back on track, it was like I'd never been away, a hug from one of eth female staff made it all worthwhile . After Austin it was to West Texas where some events had been booked for me, they went well as did a trip to Lamesa where there was talk if something happening next year. Then it was once more down to The Rio Grande Valley where I did two days in a school and helped celebrate International AIDS Day at two more events. By the time I returned home I had written 135 poems bringing my total of travel poems to 1755. 2023 I decided again to book for April in Texas, and so did. The Rio Grande Valley event was taking place so I submitted an entry form and poetry for their anthology, hopefully I would be able to get back copies of the previous anthologies I had featured in but was stopped by Covid from getting them. Thom told me of new events in Austin which were also to look forward to and Bob Mudd was hoping to come over from Australia whish along with me Thom and David Lester Young (Ben Franklin) would mean a reunion of Poets Four or the Commonwealth Poets, as we were were last known as. Again events were booked for me in West Texas along with a potential new venue in Lamesa called Li'l Venue, al in al it was looking good I would have two days in Lamesa before moving on to Midland and more events, then down to The Valley so I began writing again. Some bad news came when I was told that Li'l Venue wouldn't be ready in time, I would still stay two nights in Lamesa we may get something going at Connie's. Darla had hoped to do something but would be in Austin at the time. She would be back before I left Midland so I would be able to nip over for any event depending on what night it was, sadly it didn't happen. So my 2023 tour went ahead new venues were used and the feedback was excellent, they wanted to carry on. Down in the Rio Grande Valley it was mainly live events, things were coming back together, and the potential was there to make next years bigger. The PTSD trilogy I wrote at a workshop in 2013, was this time recited at more than one event each time going down a storm, being described as truly describing the illness and awesome. In all I wrote 193 poems bringing my travel poems total to 1948, my AWR poems to 101 with a full blog total of 2020. 2024 Once more book for Texas, bit of a comedy of errors I'd booked for the Tablerock Festival thinking the RGVIPF was the weekend before, it wasn't so I had to miss the RGVIPF but still went at the time I booked, changing it would have been to expensive, another error I would find out was I had booked my hire car to drop back of at 1 pm instead of three, extending the period would cost to much so I looked forward reluctantly to spending 6 hours at Austin airport, I seem to recall doing similar before. The tour went well with in addition to Tablerock I picked up some open mics at short notice thanks to friends over there. One was at a replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in Odessa, as a result of a friend sending me an advert and another friend getting in touch with the organisers. the acoustics were great, no mic needed, my words just seemed to resound and be drawn out of me. the second was in The Rio Grande Valley when another friend happened to mention to someone, I was back in the Valley, two days later I was at another school the students enjoyed it as did I. Another highlight was, when I was asked by a student to read from the poem called The Raven. I was surprised how well it came out, other students were amazed and pleased that I pointed out Shakespeare's sonnets could be were Omniverse, can be read from the start (Obverse), and from the finish (Inverse) in effect giving two separate poems, proved when I read them as such. At the end of this tour I had written 156 poems bringing my total tour poems to 2107, AWR poems to 113, with 124 being credited to NaPoWriMo, my full total being 2243. I have yet to write my best poem for as someone once said "when that happens it's time to stop" so in the words of Dag Hammarsjold, I'll continue to break new ground. Thank you for reading my profile I hope you enjoy reading the poems too.


I Like (A Yorkshire dialect protest poem) I like to compose poetry On paper it is written If thar don't like it that's tough Wi' grief Ah'll not be smitten Cos when Ah write me poems It's nowt ter do wi' thee Cos' when Ah write 'em Ah'm writtin' 'em fer me Bobbing and Weaving Bobbing and weaving, bobbing and weaving He went out on the razzle, In his best attire This brave fighter of fire, He hoped the females to dazzle. Bobbing and weaving, bobbing and weaving Feeling cock a hoop in a female group, He gave one a push and there was a hush As she bounced back and gave him a crack, A right hook to the jaw he fell to the floor Bobbing and weaving, bobbing and weaving She certainly decked him, They couldn't resurrect him, The tension did mount He was out for the count. No more bobbing and weaving, no more bobbing and weaving To end the game The paramedics came And carried him out to the sound of his mates jeering, While the females rejoiced with the sound of cheering, And cheering and cheering, And cheering and cheering. Golliwogg's Cakewalk Some say a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing That there’s all sorts of trouble it may bring But there’s a time in life’s little games When it can shoot a know all down in flames Like when the boss asked wanting to know, What I played on my hospital radio show I said opera, symphonies concertos and more Classics from the adverts, the latest film score The ascending of the lark, Chamber music from Bach Pachelbel’s canon which is not a gun, Then I thought I’d have some fun I wonder did he expect My program to be politically correct When I said I can say “Golliwogg's” and with out doubt, It’s something the PC brigade can do nothing about He said “you can’t” I said “I can” So back and forth the words flew Like the song I can do anything better than you, I said in classic music titles you’ll find it I can say Golliwogg's but I must add cakewalk behind it Then to my delight a guy said “Trev’s right ” When I explained the boss had to concede defeat Cos’ Golliwogg's Cakewalk's a movement from Debussy’s Children’s Corner Suite

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Trev the Road Poet

2017 and Trev goes to Texas for a 7th time: The journey home (11/05/2017)

2017 and Trev goes to Texas for a 7th time: McAllen to Austin (11/05/2017)

2017 and Trev goes to Texas for a 7th time: McAllen (11/05/2017)

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<Deleted User> (28781)

Sun 27th Dec 2020 11:47

I like the way you write. A brief documentation of experiences.?

Big Sal

Mon 6th Aug 2018 01:08

I think that's pretty great how you've spaced your 2018 blogs apart into an 'annual tour'. Makes great material for a side project should you ever wish to publish, and the poems provide insight and introspect.?

Keep journeying Trev, it'll give you something great to write about.

Big Sal

Sat 4th Nov 2017 06:09

Keep writing.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Wed 29th Feb 2012 17:16

How do Trev - sounds like you've had an interesting poetic path! I like the writing of poems for causes too, we could do with more voices spreading messages of unity round the world. Best wishes, Dave

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