I'm a yogi, musician and accountant living in Austin, Texas. I'm a seeker, as many of us who turn to poetry are, I would imagine. I'm not a trained poet, though I'm a firm believer in the power of the written word. Sometimes when linear processing can't capture everything that's swirling around in my head, my thoughts and emotions find their way into a poem. The philosophy of yoga will sometimes find its way into a poem as I'm working to process the deeper meanings of a particular concept. I mention that from a place of concern that some of what I write might come across as preachy or self-righteous. Know that I never intend that. I am human, and flawed, as much as the next person. In that humanity I hope to connect to other similarly flawed yet hopeful and aspirational souls through the power of our shared experiences.
Two Toads
Two toads sitting on a log One toad pushes the other in and chuckles to himself that he always wins The second toad surfaces with a satisfied smile happy to be in the water where he’d craved to be all the while
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by trixtex
Fly Girl (02/02/2025)
Ode to my little stuffed friend (02/02/2025)
Don't look back (don't ever do that) (28/01/2020)
Sparkle Sun (21/01/2020)
side effects (11/12/2019)
You once asked me why I loved you (09/12/2019)
when my pencil hits the paper (27/11/2019)
I push away the ending of the day (25/11/2019)
Meditation on My Happy Place (06/11/2019)
Endless Now (06/11/2019)
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Mon 9th Dec 2019 02:13
Welcome TrixTex. From one seeker to another, we seem to gravitate to the same places, like here in this virtual world of word wizards. Namaste. Write on!