The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


Jason Armstrong: Founder and Author of UInk Putting Words in a Creative Line... Well I was sixteen when I was on my own, and I was scared. I am thankful though for friends who helped me during these moments and I don't thinks I could ever repay them for there generosity. I've used #poetry to express my inner most thoughts and feelings to keep me on the straight and narrow, while I was living on my own. If it wasn't for this "outlet" I'm not sure how I would have gotten through my teenage days. As I got older and found direction in my career, I got away from writing poetry for a quite few years. I did dribs and drabs but nothing serious only when I needed to explore my inner thoughts. It was not till 2012 that I got back into it on #Facebook. I decided that this was an avenue of expression that I most enjoyed and had some natural talent, so I continue posting old and creating new then decided to create UInk Since then I enjoy creating new pieces on my #blog UInk and I hope be able to connect and share them with those who appreciate them. I inspire to make UInk successful and to become a published author, which I am currently working on, by adding other talented authors who enjoy the art of poetry.

What we do

"READY" The black silk compliments fair skin with grace Panties matching, covering only what he craved, tantalizing thirst; Heels complete the image to his fantasy, highlighting her scalped legs All there was now was to apply confidence in makeup form; Eye liner, dark and define Lipstick red, blush just a hint; Standing before the mirror She prepares with no fear; The desire for him is strong Can't wait for him to come along; So she can satisfy her dear. "Sun Kissed" Bikini skin tanned; In coconut oil. White string layer; Very little covered. Sun kissed hair; Showing off Highlights. Her toned body sparkled ; Strolling along. Her bounce supple; Of sexy youth. She enjoys the attention; Cat calling. She continues to tease; Smiling flirtatiously. Summer fun; Under the starry sky. Sweat beads glistening; Tight bodies rocking.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by UInk

I LOVE U HELLELUJAH (15/09/2015)

Intense (28/05/2015)

How I Want You (29/03/2015)

Love Anagram (08/03/2015)

A-L-O-N-E (28/02/2015)

Judge My Love (28/12/2014)

Painted Passion (27/12/2014)

Losing Battle (22/12/2014)

Heart Felt (20/12/2014)

In Chain, No (15/12/2014)

Read more entries by UInk …

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