The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Wiktoria Zieniuk

Updated: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 09:28 pm

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I moved to London in 2011, when I was 13-teen years old. Now I can say that I have spent as many years in Poland as I did in London. I studied psychology, sociology and media then went on higher education to look into the study of psychology. As a graduate I worked as a social worker for about 2 and half years and had my first psychotic episode. I quit my job and master's degree (movement, mind and environment), and moved onto a boat where writing really picked up the pace. I now work in street art gallery and write poetry whenever I find time. I started writing short stories in polish language at about 10 years old and wrote first poetry for contest then. I have been writing in various forms in the recent years and am creating this blog to get more organised with my writing journey. You can find here many themes. Please know rights to the poems and short stories are reserved to me, but you are more than welcome to use them as long as you quote my name or social.


Joy can be a political act Your joy My joy Our joy Exist thrive and show up For each other For yourself Joy is the infusion of freedom Joy is my grandma’s name Joy is my form of resistance Joy is necessary for existence

Bermondsey beach

Live or die it’s always live I come here to this beach which lasts for an hour a day when the river Thames allows it to The beach allows me to be for myself Be with the sound of waves with the nature and its city best Exist at this moment - wave crashes slowly You came here too And they do come here For the same reason In solitude we try to think things through or not think at all while throwing yet another rock in solitude looking at the ripples focus on their flow step by step we all look when someone throws alone but together a group of strangers we all feel so moved by our almost achievement being present at the beach a challenge these days and yet it's just a fragment of our 24-hour clock at one point we will move and let go of the present and the beach yet there are thousands of us doing the same in simple mind breaks or wanting to do just that what if every moment could be like this?

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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