Zimbili Shezi
Updated: Mon, 22 Jun 2020 04:09 am
It is life's challenges that drove me to start reading and then writing poetry/prose. I tend to belt it out with not much regard for rhym nor verse. Presently I am in thee process of getting my maiden book of poetry published. My poems speak of trauma, then breaking free and then making the choice to live again. For to live a traumatized life is like living in a grave. This bio I will keep updating till all relevant angle are portrayed.
Understand the universality of Achilles heel of clay Stay don't run Take a step back if you must Seek to understand... you could be so wrong You cannot forever run away when the going gets tough We are not in heaven yet where everyone is perfect Stay ©zimbili
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Zimbili Shezi
Fresh Tears (22/06/2020)
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