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A lonely soldier sits in silence
Amidst a hectic city crowd
His strength drained long ago
this man who once stood proud
he risked his life for his country
A land which once he loved

Conscripted to an unbearable war
Where he struggled long and hard
His once agile body now shattered
PTSD has left his mind scarred
more deserted than hes ever been
silent remains his internal screams

He's been spat on, been abused
remains haunted by those he knew
wishes he had died a warriors death
least he would've been with friends
instead of sitting there wondering
what lays in store around the bend.

The winter snow is falling rapidly
Agonizing frost bite covers his feet
stomach sounds like a pack of hounds
been days since he had anything to eat
not sure how much longer he can suffer
before he lays back and admits defeat.

He wears his medals upon his chest
They're the only thing that he owns
they help to remind him of a time
when he didn't feel so alone
better days when he fought valiantly
and had somewhere to call home.



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keith jeffries

Mon 9th Mar 2020 20:48


Thank you for your remarks. The reason so many fail to seek help is either PTSD which affects many or breakdowns in family life. They are reluctant to seek help, often out of pride and sink into a morass of self pity and abandonment. Booze and Drugs soon search them out and addiction results which places them beyond help, or so they think. In my local town I have come across one such guy who seems to be in a permanent self induced haze. I have suggest several agencies especially designed to help ex service men but to no avail

Thanks for this

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 9th Mar 2020 16:50

My family has seen its members in the ranks of the army over the
past two centuries. I have seen service in a civilian capacity in my
own working life. Both have organisations that are intended and
prepared to offer help to its former members and their families.
So, something is going wrong somewhere if any are on the streets.

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keith jeffries

Sun 8th Mar 2020 23:53

As an ex serviceman of ten years, you have summarised well the plight of thousands of men who fought and served for their country. On November 11 we stand at war memorials and say together " We will remember them" How? When? Shame on the nation for such words as your soldiers lie in shop door ways and on park benches comforted only by their memories of comradeship and a bottle of booze. Hypocrisy!

Excellent poem
Thank you for this

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