Apocalyptic Honey
Liquid gold they called it
Sweet dripping and viscous
I stole mine from a local hive
When I knew it’s days were numbered
I remember the faint buzz
As drowsy bees tickled my hand
They didn’t sting me
It was as if they knew
They’d given up the fight
Nothing left for them to fight for
I dug in my curious fingers
And scooped the warm syrupy liquid
Cradled in wax
It felt like burning candles
Warm and comforting
But the thing I remember most was the smell
Heather, honeysuckle,
Lavender and clover
An English horticultural delight
With a faint whiff of hints of vanilla
Strange really
Maybe it was just imagined
An imagined stolen sweetness
I kept it in a locket
That once held a picture of my true love
Clasp shut tight
The wax holding it in place
I open it when I get scared
Or when I want to feel safe
I sometimes share it’s smell with my children
Who imagine this bee paradise
With minds of innocence
Thu 12th Mar 2020 17:14
I enjoyed this - really nice writing.