Buried Treasure - Stuff
In my busy, small town,
On the pavement
Beside the doorway of a small shop,
A battered wire basket
Full of varied books with faded covers
And a thickly scribbled note: 'Help yourself!'
'Ah,' I thought, 'Someone has died.
Probably elderly.
The books look weathered.
And Somebody is clearing out stuff.
A somebody who cannot bear
To trash or torch a book.
Just like me.'
So I lifted out a small volume:
'Learning English',
One of those old, thin textbooks
With concise rules
To best learn communication skills,
Full of writing exercises to cement them.
On that fine, old principle:
'Understand, Practise and Use!'
The book fell open in my hand.
And at the top of the right hand page,
In bold print: WE THINK WITH WORDS.
I gasped, 'How brilliantly put is that.
The basic purpose of all language!
I needed that potent reminder.
Thank you, Somebody, for this book.'
And so - it becomes my 'stuff'.
Cynthia Buell Thomas, Mar. 2020
M.C. Newberry
Sun 15th Mar 2020 21:37
Well said! We can forget that words are what we live by and our
neglect or careless use can lead to all sorts of difficulties, some
extremely serious and/or non-reversible. The line quoted is a
simple valuable reminder of our responsibility to use language with
appropriate respect according to its intended relevance..