Boys & Bikes
Boys on bikes
learning to ride
gaining confidence
with each push of the pedal
the bike is a boy's
first taste of freedom
his first sense of growing up
he becomes strong and confidant
ready to explore
ready to take on challenges
racing down a hill
or riding with no hands
a bike takes him places
he has not been before
experiences multiply
as he learns the ropes of riding
of being on his own
babyhood falls off
a stronger boy emerges
places he could not go
are now within range
just a bike ride away
each turn of the wheel
loosens mother's strings
now he can go out into the world
on his own and make decisions
a bike
is a boy's first vehicle
into the wide wide world
as he learns to balance
between caution and daring
right or wrong
a boy's first set of wheels
a love affair that continues into adulthood
a bike will make a boy
into a man.
Fri 20th Mar 2020 13:03
True for many, I'm sure.
I loved this: "each turn of the wheel / loosens mothers strings"