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Leisurely Life Lessons

I could get used to this leisurely life. 

Wake up without an alarm. 

Stretch, yawn, linger on.

Get my long list of to do things done. 

Read, write, learn without interruptions. 

Walking a snail’s pace on the treadmill while catching up on world news...

Unprecedented attempts to slow the spread of a new kind of flu leaves me wondering what more we can do?

Quiet calm surrounds my soul like palace guards.

There’s no place to go, except within, to fight an invisible war only I can win.



◄ Shall We Dance

Smiles ►


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Fri 27th Mar 2020 07:21

Yes, I saw your post about retirement and I’m super excited for you to do the things you long to do! This moment in time is definitely a reminder of how finite life is. Bravo to you for taking your future by the horns and making good things happen!

As my mentor, Julia Cameron says, “Keep the drama on the page.” I am a peacekeeper by nature and would much rather give the drama over to my muse!

Thanks so much for your well wishes and support Po. You rock!

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Fri 27th Mar 2020 02:34

I can’t even imagine life without the muse to see us through times such as this. Thank you Po for being a comforting presence on WOL. Wishing you abundant blessings in the next chapter of your life! ❤️?

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Thu 26th Mar 2020 16:54

We are not alone... A few hours after I penned this poem, I discovered this same song was sung by hundreds of others on their cell phone!

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