Sitting in the darkness
With just my dark thoughts that occupy my mind
A single tear slides down my cheek
I wipe it away
I wish sleep would come
My journey along this long winding road
And all I’m longing for is you
Your touch, your fingers tracing where that single tear appeared
Pushing me down
I close my eyes you are the sound that blinds me
You are the passion that runs through my veins
You are the stars that keep me from falling down from the skies
I am the coldness that penetrating slice of exquisite pain
You hold me in place tearing at my flesh
Taken and forsaken
I don’t want you to stop
I need to feel I desire to feel you
Deeper and deeper you go
I can feel myself going then darkness
A breath
Back again
Thoughts of the unknown
Crimson stained lips
A trickle of blood a little bite
Taken over and over again
Pushing that little deeper
Gone again
A simple touch
Your voice
Sat in the darkness
With just my dark thoughts to occupy my mind
Thu 2nd Apr 2020 03:24
Such passion! Love it. ?