In the arcades and the alleyways
the fugitive take furtive drags;
what was the craze is now a malaise
and red crosses upon the white flags
bespeak a nationwide neurosis,
a corrosive obsession with health
in thrall to the No Smoking notice:
not at all at ease with itself.
They reel 'em in with Ritalin,
Big Pharma pockets the profit.
The Viagra and the Vitamin;
they ought to be told to come off it.
Increasing dependency doses,
the playground exchange of bright sweets;
damned by a dual diagnosis,
the endless prescription repeats.
A bullet-proof vest to manage stress
is obligatory in these quarters.
It's the weight you can't get off your chest
when there's statins in the waters.
Before the final curtain closes
you'll need permission to depart;
in the theatre emergency poses
are struck at an unwilling heart.
The geeks and loners dream revenge
on those who disrespect them.
They don't say much and have few friends;
they're on the autistic spectrum!
Diagnosing human weakness
in your analgesic Eden:
is all suffering a sickness
and susceptible to treatment?
John Coopey
Wed 28th Apr 2010 22:15
Enjoyed the rhythm and rhymes, Ray, many of them unusual connections.