Honey Boy
Honey Boy was a wonderful cat.
Honey- orange in color,
he loved to stay home
and play with the children,
frolic with our beagle
or purr on our laps.
Sometimes he stayed out late
for nighttime romances,
but he always came home
eager for food and a cozy bed.
Over the years he mellowed
with a touch of grey here and there.
He left on a summer night
and never returned for months.
One spring morning we saw him
in the neighborhood and brought him home
for a triumphant reunion.
But somehow he didn’t seem as eager
to be with us as he used to be,
still friendly but a little stand offish.
Somehow his sojourn had colored the grey,
as if he’d been bathed in orange juice.
One evening on our walk around the block,
we met a neighbor who was distressed
that their beloved cat, named Honey Boy,
had disappeared. We sympathized
and continued our walk around the block.
Back home we showed Honey Boy the door
and bade him a fond farewell.
When we met the neighbor again
she was ecstatic that Honey Boy had come home.
“What a wonderful surprise” we said,
and continued our walk around the block.