cat (Remove filter)
Out the front door and into the street
Traffic in distance The atmosphere speaks
Swinging steel logo so rusty it creeks
ghost train railway rumbling sky
Wobbling and stumbling drunk passes by
Parallel bus stop the bench bare and yellow
Then out of nowhere the silhouette fellow
Like an angel he keeps me company
Accidental art right there in front of me
Wednesday 11th October 2023 11:00 pm
stop throwing baseballs
for my neighbour's cat
his swing just isn't in it
and besides, I'm a little
worried for his fragility
he, being just porcelain
Wednesday 20th September 2023 8:02 am
A grey shade in the cottage shadows
a paw lick of sinuous silence
a tail flick of smoke
a pounce on time's toll
Like a smoke devil escaped the chimney
she inhabits the lounge at night
never settling
she drifts across the hearth
Like the umbral weight of her past
she settles beyond my sight
I sense only the leak
of light left by her passing
Like th...
Wednesday 14th June 2023 10:37 am
A slow Turtle
A slow turtle, with a heavy back.
Wanted to sprint like the dotted cat.
He was sad because he didn't know his limits,
Devastated after seeing the results of his speed per minute.
Poor turtle knew a little about himself
Grew up among cheetah, thinking he was one self.
Speed was thing where he wanted to be the best.
Without even enjoying the process itself.
He could...
Sunday 12th June 2022 7:31 am
The way the lightning taunts me
makes me cower in my home
folded paper walls surround
as the rain falls on and on
Here I'm warm
with comforts near
More than enough
so safe and dear
Still, I can't evade the storm
as it pours
it pelts
it blows
into my pillow
quiet grief
spirals from within my soul
Tuesday E...
Thursday 24th March 2022 2:10 am
Evening Routine
As I look around my comfortable prison,
I see my reflection in Sony’s single glass eye.
It’s dark and lifeless as he rests,
Waiting for his ward to point,
To burst into a technicolour song and dance
For the blank eyed audiences gormless pleasure.
I tense at the approaching vibrations,
The feline padding of tiny furred feet.
Rubbing against my legs, the vindictive threat
And intentions t...
Monday 27th September 2021 9:07 pm
We Never Suspected A Thing
We Never Suspected A Thing
Serial Killer
Feathers on the patio
Innocent soft eyes
Thursday 2nd July 2020 3:05 pm
The Sunshine Is Ginger & White
The Sunshine Is Ginger And White
Here comes the sunshine
Not our sunshine
But the ginger and white sunshine
From across the street
The little prince
With heart markings
He sits at the window
Silently imploring entry
And when the door opens
He trots his way to the kitchen
And looks up at us
In milky expectation
He’s still a kitten
With greyin...
Wednesday 29th April 2020 1:58 pm
Honey Boy
Honey Boy was a wonderful cat.
Honey- orange in color,
he loved to stay home
and play with the children,
frolic with our beagle
or purr on our laps.
Sometimes he stayed out late
for nighttime romances,
but he always came home
eager for food and a cozy bed.
Over the years he mellowed
with a touch of grey here and there.
He left on a summer night
and never returned for...
Thursday 9th April 2020 2:04 pm
Charles Bukowski (Way He Writes)
Charles Bukowski
Charles Bukowski was quite a character. Bukowski relied on experience, emotion, and imagination in his work, using direct language and violence and sexual imagery. Many people found his writing offensive. He writes with a nothing-to-lose truthfulness which makes him different from most writers. Bukowski was very much into alcohol, sex and even violence. Bukowski went to scho...
Saturday 8th December 2018 5:20 am
Shroedinger's Poet
It is a curse
To have a flying soul
And a cinderblock mind
To feel the call of the sky
But to be afraid of heights
I am Schrödinger's cat
Alive and dead
At the same time
Thursday 27th April 2017 12:59 am
Wearing rubber boots
I open the door
what kind of horror will I face?
Never been to this place
but heard of the legend
of Michi
A black feline
Who protects
her dwelling
with her fangs and claws
Got to follow her laws
or swiftly be corrected
She claimed this home
after living a life of abandoment
A feral
who was tired of the p...
Friday 23rd December 2016 8:21 pm
Becks Poem (Mistaken Identity)
I wrote this for my now fiance not long after we first started seeing each other after her love for cats (and her tongue in cheek insistance she was one) inspired me to start writing again, after maybe 5 years of not picking up a pen. I recently proposed to her through a series of short poems taking us on a treasure hunt around Edinburgh looking for J K Rowling inspired landmarks, but that's anot...
Saturday 15th October 2016 12:43 pm
Wake up Midas
Wake up Midas
it isn't your time.
Those dogs had
no right to take
you from me.
"Wake up baby!"
I'm crying,
"Wake up!"
Please don't leave
so soon.
I'm the one
that let you outside.
Wake up,
oh please wake up.
Thursday 15th October 2015 12:44 am
The Last Day of Summer
You left us on
the last day of Summer.
Today is the
first day of Fall.
My tears are
falling for you.
Good bye my baby,
Wednesday 23rd September 2015 10:13 pm
When does it end?
When does it end?
The dog died
the same day as the fridge
the day the kettle element blew the powershorting out the electrics at 98% of a program
I’d been downloading for several hours
Error followed error
error followed me
dialing 0800
thinking it was free
Calls from this number are chargeable
“SHE” said
told me to press 2
I did
Friday 31st January 2014 11:41 am
Good Morning, Good Morning
this house is awakening
it yawns and stretches its
aged bones, as last night’s ghosts scurry
home, with the copper blood running
warm through worm pricked floors
I lie,like you, while you lie,
like me, under the nights warm stink
and the claw and the purr
of the cat’s half lidded lazy gaze
as the foundations shake with each
passing race of 18 wheel freight
Saturday 18th May 2013 3:18 pm
The Gate
By : Ali Taha Alnobani
Wednesday 6th March 2013 7:49 pm
When A Cat Goes Out
When A Cat Goes Out
He’d patrol the doorway waiting
To make his break
Or he’d scratch around the threshold
As if he could dig himself out
All he knew was out was where
He wanted to be
When the opportunity
Was right he’d bolt
When he went out that last time
Looking for whatever he craved
Then attempted to return
There was no there
There anymore
No familiar...
Thursday 29th November 2012 7:15 am
Five Thirty am
In the utter darkness the fine piping of birds begins another dawn.
The insistent cat pushes between my fingers and the open page.
There is a meaning in the poise of my face and pen before the page,
But the cat has no knowledge of it.
She pushes her whole black purring self across my face.
Her paws step softly on the paper.
She thrusts her head against the moving p...
Monday 19th March 2012 9:44 pm
The pussycat remembers back to only yesterday
when she used to run and chase her feline friend.
But that’s just a sad memory now as she sits all alone
and remembers what had once been.
Years of fun and enjoyment ended abruptly
after the car mercilessly killed Tigger.
Now pining little Chocolate Drop
has no friend, only pain.
Tuesday 18th October 2011 11:42 am
Recent Comments
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