pleasure (Remove filter)
Evening Routine
As I look around my comfortable prison,
I see my reflection in Sony’s single glass eye.
It’s dark and lifeless as he rests,
Waiting for his ward to point,
To burst into a technicolour song and dance
For the blank eyed audiences gormless pleasure.
I tense at the approaching vibrations,
The feline padding of tiny furred feet.
Rubbing against my legs, the vindictive threat
And intentions t...
Monday 27th September 2021 9:07 pm
I love to feel contentment.
It always gives me satisfaction.
It comforts and relaxes,
And is a beautiful distraction.
It makes me warm and cozy.
It gives me a definite direction.
And whatever I may be doing,
I shall keep a sweet reflection.
Wherever that I may be,
I hope it shall stay forever.
To cherish and to hold it,
And to let it go - I do say: never.
I then believe the world...
Wednesday 9th June 2021 6:26 pm
Good Things "Cum in 3s" (A poem of "self" discovery)
Focused on piercing eyes, light hazel abyss
I reached down earnestly past orbiting hips
Fingers parting engorged velvety lips
To find within a now aching, sensitive tip.
Writhing, squirming
Unprepared and panicked
Intensity unparalleled
Myself, I know not what to do with.
Tears, laughter
All consuming heat and fleeting chills
Dreams are becoming reality
Wednesday 23rd September 2020 10:30 pm
I only try to write of joy
But you only read my sorrow
She came to me by chance
I suppose that's always so
We sang the bodies' lively dance
She rescued me from woe
She came to me in passion
I only knew my lonely life
We dreamt our bodies' ration
She rescued me from strife
The tear you see escape my eye
Remembers only pleasure
The gasp of breath yo...
Friday 19th October 2018 3:19 pm
WORLD CUP 1966 personal recollections
WORLD CUP 1966 personal recollections
Blue dressed bridesmaid
Bolt down the food, get through the speeches.
Drink up the wine – what’s the time?
Time to put down the serviettes.
Time to …………
Tension is building - Tighter, harder, bolder
The groom, the best man and every one of the ushers are at the starting gate.
More interested in the future than the present.
Saturday 7th July 2018 5:06 pm
I look on as your clothes slowly glide to the floor.
The tempatation is strong to tightly hold you,
but I want to caress and stroke you
lightly and softly until you melt under my fingers.
A gentle touch around your soft firm breasts.
My mind becomes a peaceful haven
where only thoughts of affection reside.
My tongue slides gently around you hardened nipple
and I hear a soft groan.
Sunday 22nd April 2018 8:11 pm
My pleasure keeps the joy
Not far but still away
As it disturbes the pleasant calm.
Tuesday 24th January 2017 2:39 pm
Guilty Pleasure ....
I pull you out
Smoothing your creases
Lying you flat so I can
Fill you with
A sweet mixture of guilt
And poison
There's artistry in my fingers
As I roll you expertly
(From years of practice)
Along your length
Into the shape I desire
I lick your edges
Firmly sealing you with a feather like touch
I place you lovingly between
My lips
Flicking the flame
That will bring you to li...
Monday 22nd February 2016 10:26 am
Blood Knot
I got a taste for blood last night.
It wasn’t yours,
It wasn’t his,
It wasn’t hers,
I got a taste for blood last night and it was my own.
Sometimes I consider draining myself dry,
Sucking myself into sand
Come, watch me crumble.
I got a taste for the blood which runs
From my lips.
But nobody ever described self destruction like this,
I never considered I mig...
Thursday 11th February 2016 2:43 am
A Dream Come True
Feelings that once were hidden
Are now expressed to you.
Days that once were stormy
Are now the brightest blue.
Times that once were lonely
Are now filled with pleasure.
All that once was mine alone
Are now things we both treasure.
Nights that once were cold
Are now comforting and warm.
Fears that once were very real
Are now gone with the storm.
A heart that once was broken
Can ...
Tuesday 17th November 2015 12:40 pm
Losing Faith
Send away my sweet caress, bring me nights of guiltiness,
Break my heart and break my bones, this is the only way I've known. I fade to grey so suddenly, not half the man that I used to be, The peace in my heart has gone, I wonder whic...
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:06 pm
Passion & Pleasure
Softness envelopes you like a warm cloud
Sensuous touch brings us closer than skin
Time stops for almost endless moments as
We fly higher than the moon in the morning.
We are always good together methinks and
"Nothing can do us any harm"- like that song
We made out to from the White Album many
Years ago when you were just as beautiful
As you are tod...
Tuesday 12th November 2013 1:53 pm
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