The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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thoughts on piss christ and photography (06/21/2023)

consider these solipses:

measured, carried steeples 

round a brined Mary 

suspended in the plasma 

of hapless, desperate donors 

centrifugal refugees

all unknown behind glass


this is a king's country:

a throne grown too small 

phagocyclic in the flesh

bedsores in the shape of sin 


lead of goblets held within


my crucifix is a bullet

made from ...

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pisschristrevolutionfutilitycyclesorrowblueand borrowed

Blue Umbrella

sun shines down on love

rain spatters lonely grief

only my blue umbrella's

a consolation and relief


she's left me for another

I'm stuck in a Scotch mist

imagining her in his arms

the passion of their tryst


but for my blue umbrella

I'd sink down and drown

or reach for my hat and

decamp to another town


the storm rages overhead

my umbrella keeps m...

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Out of Somewhere Blue

At group therapy we met

Eye contact at a premium

In terms of looks she was

Bordering upon medium


Mam and brother hated

She came to stay at mine

I rarely saw her sober

She hid a stash of wine


I really tried to love her

But I didn't have a clue

She'd bled, half-formed,

Out of somewhere blue


Men she cordially hated

I was a means to an end

A saf...

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bluegroup therapydepressedmoodysuicide

Blue Calfskin Nights

Boots fit girls down to the ground

True, but don't ask me quite why

Calfskin moulds itself to any form

Yours were the colour of the sky


Red boots smack of aggression

Yellow a hint of primrose flower

But blue sends a potent message

A promise of love and soft power


Blue varnished boots tread softly

Only ballet shoes look so neat

Yours, though scuffed and worn


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bluebootscalfskinsoft powerfeetheeljack-bootsmarching

24 Carat

Waking up newly in love

Is there a more lyrical thing?

Mind focused on the one

Destined to wear your ring


Dawns depend on your mood

Roseate when things go well

Blue if you're feeling anxious

Black if you're living a hell


Rising slowly in sickness

Racked by aches and pains

Life teeming with negatives

Griefs but no sign of gains


Dawns depend on your...

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Colour - Blue

I share your sadness

in my time of need,

but bask in your heat

in the azured heaven

of canicular days.

The cold is also tied to you

and I am frozen in your hue.

Mental calm and serenity flow

from your presence,

and we can feel reassured

in the body of your essence.

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And Now She Hides Behind Her Hair Out Here.
And Now We All Know Why, 
What’s Brought Them Here.
Young Scavengers Upon The Road
With A Plan Diabolical.
He Walks Fast, Stays Up Ahead.
She Holds Back, Just Like He Said.
Far Out And Way Down 
A Ways Down A Dirt Road,
With Wind-Chills Far Beyond Old.
But Won’t They Ever Notice 
How This Came To Be?
They Hide-Out On The Inside,
And Now We A...

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Cannibal JonesBlue

Pregnant Blue

 ,Blue, the dispirited lifeless one.. 
Blue, the dejected throbbing of the heart.. 
Blue, the downcast sky of the obscure sun.
Blue, the blasphemous ideas to depart.. 
Blue, the aristocratic blue blooded haughty men.. 
Blue, racy and robust quenching  drink.. 
Blue, the puritanical tight laced to be dismissed again.. 
Blue, the dreary tears drown with every blink.. 

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In Mumbai

When the Sky is dark blue 
And the Dawn becomes true 
Just pray, same as I do 
May my wish touches you 


When sun rises in the Sky 
And the birds ready to fly 
Just remember what I say 
We'll meet, surely, in Mumbai 


When you stay lonely at night 
And you wear your lovely white 
Just be sure I'm always right 
You're lovely dream on sight

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becomebirdbluedardawndodream sightflyIndialonelylovelymeetMumbainightprayreadyrememberrightrisesayskystaysunsuretouchtruewearwhitewish

Colour 309 U

As we sat

over coffee

she said

                she liked

                the blue

                of the wall


I could see a shade of green

                in the blue


The next table

                agreed blue






We called it

Mermaid Blue


I wondered if that lady

                at the next ta...

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Too blue to breathe

Blended is thy blue and sly be the cue
one flew over two,
resting in peace a few,
me and me and me and me and you.

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Blue moon

Eyes open as it must be reality 

The mind settles as the sun sets 

Allowing creative thoughts to surface

Glowing blue

In the sky I see you

Blue moon

You Appear with no sadness 

Beauty in the sky 

black out curtains

surrounding the moon

Fluoresces light 

Still pressing through

allowing me to dream

On this beautiful night

Big and blue



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My Muse

The chaos in my mind
is killing me,
my life, a bad trip
on LSD
a rush to the brain,
serotonin, dopamine
all at once shining
blue light
a mind so open,
a heart so full,
such peace,
the sweetest sleep.

Memories are mirages,
I cannot reach.

A sinking feeling,
a dread inside around I go,
again and again,
down the rabbit hole,
just once more,
one last time
looking for a ...

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I don't know my way,
I've always walked blind,
dazed by the light,
bound to the dark,
heart tattered and torn,
mind vacant and worn.

The soul had a song once
but I lost it in the fog.

Alone now, 
I wander
forever forlorn,
the bird long flown,
my hope echoing blue
shatters on the sun.


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blueHopeself reflection

What Color Do You Feel Like Today?


I feel like the color Blue. 


It seems like every day, 

I feel like the color Blue. 


You may ask, 

how do you know 

what Blue feels like? 


It's when you're sitting alone 

in the Blue room 

of your one bedroom apartment 

contemplating your whole existence. 


Blue is when 

you don’t feel good about yourself, 

when you don’t  

feel l...

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will blue turn into purple?

You were wearing purple today. Purple is going to be ×××'s color now. But blue has always been mine. That's how I knew I was ready to give you that letter. You were wearing my color...

Your eyes were a brighter blue today. After you came in from having a cigarette, you walked past me, then paused. Coffee and tobacco smoke. That's what you smelled like. That's my smell now.

"Just under a minu...

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adoptionBad poetrybluefatherhigh schoolhopei need youloveneedplatonic lovepurpleschoolteacherwantweird

Random Hero

The only person who can save me

is me

A Random Hero wont set me free

Violets are blue

Its time for you to save you

Mentalities can't fly

Yours wont admit defeat

Not that I ever wanted you to lose

But, my grasp is still so weak


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A Dream Come True

Feelings that once were hidden
Are now expressed to you.
Days that once were stormy
Are now the brightest blue.

Times that once were lonely
Are now filled with pleasure.
All that once was mine alone
Are now things we both treasure.

Nights that once were cold
Are now comforting and warm.
Fears that once were very real
Are now gone with the storm.

A heart that once was broken
Can ...

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His Blue Period

His Blue Period.

Her breath smells of the peppermint
tea, that we had drunk earlier,
when I tilt her chin to the light
on this late summer afternoon.

She smiles and her eyes come alight
with warmth that breathes into the room
from the open patio doors
that lead out into the garden.

I paid earlier, as we talked
and she said she could only stay
for two hours as she had to go
and pi...

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painterlife drawinglife modelhesitancybluepaymentbeauty

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