The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.


The light fades slowly on the horizon
like a farewell, hesitant and forlorn
and the night is born with no hurry to be night
lost in the shadows of what’s yet to be drawn

There’s something in the air, a gentle sigh
an unseen movement drifting through the trees
a secret vanishing with the breeze
perhaps a memory that never learned to fly

Words may fade
but silences still hold their weig...

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Plane Bike

Plane Bike

There was a man who was mad

He screwed wings onto a motorcycle

And went flying up high

The engine turned the prop

That was at the back


And the front was a rudder

His rear passenger was thin

For his plane bike was slow

With a 125cc engine

Going from A to B


No rush here 1500 feet up

Motorbike made plane

Land take the wings off

Ride where...

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that first call alerts him,

eight legs run to the cot,

threads stream behind,

silken, the best he's got


each year they tighten,

vibrations excite more,

never stops watching,

repairs those that tore


escaping is impossible,

your destiny unfurling,

a decade like a second,

years like nets whirling


this one will never age

anymore than his web,


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Trapped In Amber

tree resin could not compare,

so soft and adhesive as glue,

drawn in like a starving fly, I

gorged on the love she grew


she's gone now, felled by time,

ironic mere insects survive her,

yet we are safe as any house,

secure but trapped in Amber


I'm stuck and its getting harder

I watch myself get fossilized,

years go by and I turn to rock,

humble yet curious...

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ambertree resinflyfossilizedrocknectarhoneypottrapped




a haphazard weaving

of unclear intention

the drone of annoyance

the beating of

full spectrum wings

the tap




of attempt after attempt

to get through the glass

of the window

and reach the free domain

of the out there


the buzz


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napowrimo2018day 19off topicflysimilar positionslockdownobservingannoyancetrappedirritable

Dream Boat

Let the dreamless boy to cry 
If his wish to fly has gone 
How his tears going to dry 
If he stays far of sun

Ask dreamless boy be awake 
That the dream, is a part of us 
Tell him: "think of a better talk" 
And to change the dark glass 

Help dreamless boy to be here 
And clear his negative thought 
Once he comes to hear or share 
He will enjoy to dream in a boat 

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ask awakebetterboychangeclearcomecrydreamdreamlessdryenjoyflyglassgogonehelpherenegativepartsailsharestaysuntalktearstellthinkthoughtwith

In Mumbai

When the Sky is dark blue 
And the Dawn becomes true 
Just pray, same as I do 
May my wish touches you 


When sun rises in the Sky 
And the birds ready to fly 
Just remember what I say 
We'll meet, surely, in Mumbai 


When you stay lonely at night 
And you wear your lovely white 
Just be sure I'm always right 
You're lovely dream on sight

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becomebirdbluedardawndodream sightflyIndialonelylovelymeetMumbainightprayreadyrememberrightrisesayskystaysunsuretouchtruewearwhitewish

Fly Away

She wanted to fly high

But was afraid to fell from the blue sky

She longed for someone

To come along her way

To guide her throughout

No matter what the world says


She would believe in miracles

She was never afraid to dream

If only that someone showed up

She would have been living free

Chained in the shackles

She longed to breathe

Eventually that someone sho...

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flyfly in skythe skya girlbutterflyhappydestinyFatemy worldlife

we belong here

We Belong Here

Oh how we fly up away from the earth

A great nice happy feel good joyous rapture

Letting go of the ground's grip to ascend 

Up into the blue blue blue where God lives

Along with Mother Nature and her elements

Nothing but beauty exists here in all ways

Ferocious to sublime to indifferent it's all here

Up where the angels live higher than cloud number nine


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Time and Windows

This poem is a reverie and contemplation of my mother.

Time and Windows

If the past is a tattered old book,

then why am I a ghost

at my mother's window,

so clear I can sense her mystery,

and her brown eyes, so alive?


Look, I can fly to her

through the high windows

of my memory

until I'm so close that she disappears,

and the curtain flutters silently.



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My Baby Boo

Today my heart felt a blow,
By a view so divine.
I let my emotions flow,
Like a 30 year old wine.

There it was in that tiny box,
With pulses of energy shooting through,
That blurry image came across,
Like the inside of a Great Gray Kangaroo.

I felt her hand touching mine,
Held her hand - fingers entwined,
Watching my angel wriggle and shine,
With the life of Us combined.

Seeing y...

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Homeless Fly

I'm a homeless fly

destined to die

destitute on the sidewalk.


No cakes for me on the kitchen side,

no conspiring against humans with my bride.

Left jilted by the absence of bathroom jihad.


Everyone speaks of the house fly,

they speak of it as a pest.

But all I have is a piss-stained alleyway

to truly call my nest.


I subsist on sic...

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I fly through the mountain valley chasing my own shadow

at five hundred miles an hour, on a knife edge

turn I fly around a rock outcrop, g-force crushing me down.

A feeling of being alive lasts forever as time stands still

in a microsecond, for I am on a wing and a prayer,

flying for freedom in a stolen fighter plane.

I have no guns or missiles to...

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flystolen planeunarmedidealisma dreamlove

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