The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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vertebrae (10/15/2023)

when time pines, 
it happens in a vacuum.

blue-lipped and ecstatic
coloring the automatic 
raptures ruptured 
and the bubbles burst
counting down 'forgive me nots' 
and pick-up petals buy the hearse 


and day dreams
teethmarks in the shape of you
pulling blind bridles
we'd ride thru
tl so much nothing 
stretched before us
a skating rink of fate

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prisonorgasmtouchdont touchhelpdont helplook at mesee mehold mebut dont touch me


your fingertips are pulsing

from all that touchlessness

where do you leave your fingerprints

when no human skin is around?


your hands sniff touch

sniff skin

and they find you

tangled being, hanging plant

with your roots in the clouds


you touch yourself and discover

that you have human skin

below your mind's weeds

underneath you vegetal body

so you i...

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Her Spot(s)

Hitting your Spot 
I know the spot 

That makes you hot 

I'll push those buttons 
Until all of a sudden 

Your skin will blush
Your pussy will gush

In you with every hump
Your flesh riddled with goosebumps

Eyes rolling back and toes curl
Thats right I take care of my girl

You explode with pleasure 
that cannot be measured 

That's it Baby 
let me drive you crazy 

Give y...

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Erroneoussexual awakeningsensualsexygirlfriendlove and sextouch

Devotion and Desire

Your fingers strummed the strings of your guitar in a lazy, sleepy pattern as my consciousness began to drift
I inched as close to you as possible, molding my bones to yours as I seamlessly carved for myself a place at your side
Space was a silly idea, a concept at that moment we would never need to consider, should never consider
You played on as we laid together, my chest rising and falling a...

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Loveromancemarriagedevotionmarried lifemusicguitarlove and romanceintimacytouch

In Mumbai

When the Sky is dark blue 
And the Dawn becomes true 
Just pray, same as I do 
May my wish touches you 


When sun rises in the Sky 
And the birds ready to fly 
Just remember what I say 
We'll meet, surely, in Mumbai 


When you stay lonely at night 
And you wear your lovely white 
Just be sure I'm always right 
You're lovely dream on sight

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becomebirdbluedardawndodream sightflyIndialonelylovelymeetMumbainightprayreadyrememberrightrisesayskystaysunsuretouchtruewearwhitewish

Disney Fairy


Nancy comes in my dreams 

Like a fairy of Disney Land 

Have two wings and song 

Touch hearts with no band 


Nancy comes from the moon 

Where the lovely stars shining 

Calls me to join the song 

And to share her in the dancing 


Nancy, I love you so much 

Can you call me only once? 

Don't keep me in dreams 

Just come in real to dance 

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bandbenazouzcall joincomedanceDisneydreamsFairyheartkeeplandLikelovemoonmuchNancyoncerealshareshinesongstartouchwings


I closed my eyes

and I kissed the thin

skin that covered yours;


I felt the graze of fine hair

at the nape of your neck

and I inhaled your scent;


You rest your palm

atop my rising chest..

it is just the size

of my beating heart..

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You are my desire

Touching your skin feels so intense

Leaves my breath hanging in suspense

Eyes sparkling with a fiery delight

Within me the love does ignite


Thinking about us each and every day

Jenny is so beautiful in every way

Truly she is a wonderful lady

This I know and I don’t mean maybe


With those beautiful lips of desire

My heart races like wildfire

Attraction burning...

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