The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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My fate is not in your hand

GOD makes our fates alone

Our life are surely planned

GOD feeds the ant in the stone


World is certainly small

If compared to Galaxy as shown

Whoever believes is a giant

GOD to perish the giant alone


MY heart is calm and glad

Satisfied of what I own

Whatever you earn in the dark

SURELY you'll pay it at noon


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In Mumbai

When the Sky is dark blue 
And the Dawn becomes true 
Just pray, same as I do 
May my wish touches you 


When sun rises in the Sky 
And the birds ready to fly 
Just remember what I say 
We'll meet, surely, in Mumbai 


When you stay lonely at night 
And you wear your lovely white 
Just be sure I'm always right 
You're lovely dream on sight

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becomebirdbluedardawndodream sightflyIndialonelylovelymeetMumbainightprayreadyrememberrightrisesayskystaysunsuretouchtruewearwhitewish

Nancy Theater

No need to go to Theater 
Today is the end of the show 
I wrote you final letter 
Actor decided to go 

No need to read my poem 
Nothing else in the mail 
To save you of bad clime 
My heart, began to fail 

I hope you get my point 
I wish you can get me 
I'm sure the Nancy Theater 
Closed. Do you agree? 

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April First


No more fools again on April 
It was last lies to believe 
Complicated!!, Why not simple? 
Take it easy, or should leave 


If someone forces to trust 
That one puts others in doubting 
When the truth appear very fast 
That one is afraid or hiding 


We should only pray to God 
God will keep hearts more faithful 
When the purity clean the blood 
Surely life will be more...

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Kerala Visit



kerala is peaceful and beautiful 
in all cases and places 
Keralite people are so cheerful 
I can read "welcome" on faces 


The Green Carpet of all guests 
and pure nature to enjoy 
generous people happily smiling 
at any time of any day 


Life in Kerala based on love 
and clear hearts for caring 
I love Kerala more than enough 
I'll come back sure for sharing 

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Some Friends are necessary for life. 
As the air.  As the water and food
Those friends, help us, to survive 
In our hearts running, same as blood 


They offer faithful trusted advice
And always keep the shining smile
Show satisfaction pureily, so nice
Have bounties tool, deeply as Nile


They never get argument to complain
They ever look for the cheerful talk to ...

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Nobody knows everything

But we should know what we do

Books are there for reading

And courses there to go


Don't say:"I know enough"

Your brain, sure, will freeze

Don't let someone to laugh

If you meet someone who knows


That the rule of good knowledge

Learn what you really need

The knowledge has a good bridge

To cross it, you must read

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KnowledgeNobodyknoweverythingbooksreadingcoursesto goto dosay enoughbrainsurefreezeletsomeonelaughmeetwhorulegoodlearnwhatreallyneedbridgecross

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