blood (Remove filter)
Just Say No!
It’s time to say NO!
It’s time to turn left,
To staunch the blood flow,
Of truth they’re bereft,
It’s time for the many,
To stand up to the few,
To liars ten-a-penny,
To red ties turned blue,
You’re a friend of apartheid
You’ve just lied to this nation,
You enabler of genocide,
And illegal occupation,
The targets weren’t civilian,
Your pants ar...
Saturday 5th October 2024 3:24 pm
Masquerade of the Damned
On the city's stage where shadows intertwine
The vampires rise with hungry eyes that shine
And the audience, lost in a desperate trance
Watches the dance of predators in their dance
The theater’s a broken mirror, cruelly it reflects
Each act a silent cry, in pain it intersects
Instead of applause, tears fall like rain
And the vampires with sharp teeth dance through the pain
They feast ...
Saturday 14th September 2024 4:20 am
a scarred black cat
- familiar
— within the surrounding area
and an entombed …
“The Bloodletter”
… in his coffer,
a mnemonic tribute
Saturday 16th December 2023 5:06 pm
I sang a song
upon that hill
wishing you would hear
but the trees and birds
were all that heard
for you were nowhere near
I raised a note
so full of hurt
up to the heavens high
and without you,
I laid my pain
upon that midnight sky
I cursed the stars,
my words so black with hate
but they cursed back
and left me ...
Tuesday 31st October 2023 6:26 am
Rump Steak
she sells veg at
a market stall
red raw flesh is not her bag at all
shuddering at
a carcase hung
spring lambs slaughtered far too young
she likes my meat
licks and sucks and chews it neat
often rare if
I worked away
then it hardly leaves her mouth all day
when it's overdone
meat makes her sore
but ointment brings her back ...
Friday 10th September 2021 10:37 am
#3 (sister mine)
Sister mine.
A perfect
spite-jewelled child.
Eyes and smokes
rolled, over
our shared veins.
Frayed but firm,
trapping us
in warm blood.
Saturday 9th January 2021 2:47 pm
Mistletoe In The Cellar
conceived in a cellar, of
a Tommy home on leave,
mother waving mistletoe,
shortly she would grieve
official dad inert upstairs
exempt due to his arches,
Tommy back to trenches
bullets or forced marches
killed in action in the mud
in my blood's a war hero,
official dad a profiteer,
moral fibre less than zero
the duality in mistletoe,
fertile of ...
Sunday 6th December 2020 11:31 am
I left Mabel to look after the plumber
A token of my trust in one so new
My ex-girlfriend rang on the land line
And Mabel saw red, her fuses blew
When I got home the bathroom was smashed
My new peach bidet lay in bits on the floor
No sign of Mabel, just her handiwork
And a bathroom with blood on the door
We think we know someone but don't
Jealousy with their re...
Monday 27th July 2020 11:27 am
Tenant of the Sea
He witnessed the rise and fall of the tides
Of the sea that seemed so milky in the moonlight.
Gloating over its graceful strides,
The rumble of the colossal sea was all he could hear that silent night.
The stars twinkled in the darkness,
And the moon in the blackness
Gazed dotingly at him and his boat,
As the decrepit carrier carted its master swiftly afloat.
How long...
Sunday 19th July 2020 8:03 pm
Victory Won!
It's May 8, nineteen forty-five,
What a happy, giddy, glorious time,
with the end of the war in Europe
and peace around the corner!
The war years are a blur of memories.
We remember the dark days, bleak months
when France was overrun and England stood alone
against the onslaught of Nazi oppression,
with the miracle of Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain.
Soon Germany attacked Russi...
Wednesday 27th May 2020 2:23 pm
April First
No more fools again on April
It was last lies to believe
Complicated!!, Why not simple?
Take it easy, or should leave
If someone forces to trust
That one puts others in doubting
When the truth appear very fast
That one is afraid or hiding
We should only pray to God
God will keep hearts more faithful
When the purity clean the blood
Surely life will be more...
Monday 1st April 2019 8:12 am
Some Friends are necessary for life.
As the air. As the water and food
Those friends, help us, to survive
In our hearts running, same as blood
They offer faithful trusted advice
And always keep the shining smile
Show satisfaction pureily, so nice
Have bounties tool, deeply as Nile
They never get argument to complain
They ever look for the cheerful talk to ...
Wednesday 20th March 2019 12:57 pm
Blood Brothers In Arms
Blood Brothers In Arms
My uncle Jack nearly died
in the battle of the Somme.
Crawling from his trench
he was the victim of the bomb
that threw him in the air
and killed his brother, Tom.
Deafened by the blast
and blinded by the mud
he lay upon the battlefield
drowning in his blood,
praying God would save him
as only his God could.
But the gods ...
Friday 19th October 2018 1:48 pm
Bloody Showers
Bloody Showers
One time in a waking hour
I decided to take a long hot shower.
and to my suprise as i scrubbed,
I saw my knees, were red with blood.
Being dizzy from the night before
I couldnt recall the time i last snored,
"what happened last night?"
I dont remember..
Why my breast was bruised,
and my nails were shattered.
I only saw the day before,
because nighttime whistles, ...
Friday 2nd March 2018 6:14 am
Your Unread Letter.
Your very first
My most important
Your hand
My thumb
You held it so tight
I couldn't hold my tears
Every night
To make sure you're fed
My side
Her side
You in the middle
Across from your neglected crib
Left foot
Right foot
Your first steps
Corners were quickly covered
Fast forward
Slow down
You're getting so big
I always did my very best
Friday 19th January 2018 2:46 pm
The trees are flesh made.
Gauntly etched to form gangrenous limbs,
Skeletal fingers lacing outward
For the heavens.
A multiplicity of fungal greens
That curl and sway about the breeze.
The trees are flesh made,
Blood racing within barcomulch veins
Wednesday 25th October 2017 6:06 am
The Man and His Shadow (Or the Shadow and His Man)
I fear the darkness for it harbors all the evil I cannot yet see.
The unseen assailant following the breadcrumb trail unnoticed.
When I walk alone at night my shadow keeps me company. Sometimes, the shadow runs as I still walk slowly. In the shadows he runs, thereafter our shadows dance and twirl anxiously; slowly, our shadow begins to bleed more darkness.
The house of a friend is nearby...
Friday 16th December 2016 4:55 am
Come the Revolution
Come the revolution
there’ll be bullet holes in the wall
and stains of brains that mattered
but didn't matter to us all
We’ll fly our flags
and burn the rich
and sing our songs
and burn the rich
and right their wrongs
and burn the rich
and take their wealth
and launder it
and to the poor
might give a bit
but they wont know
how much of it
Saturday 11th June 2016 5:50 pm
Blood Knot
I got a taste for blood last night.
It wasn’t yours,
It wasn’t his,
It wasn’t hers,
I got a taste for blood last night and it was my own.
Sometimes I consider draining myself dry,
Sucking myself into sand
Come, watch me crumble.
I got a taste for the blood which runs
From my lips.
But nobody ever described self destruction like this,
I never considered I mig...
Thursday 11th February 2016 2:43 am
Grisly Girl
Someone's sowed pins and needles into her lips.
Thursday 11th February 2016 2:32 am
Blood thief
There’s a floor called race and a home called blood,
it can be what forms you.
It can be what clothes you, what warms you as it flows through your body,
a rich honey providing brotherhood, relation, family and love -
bonds of pride which cartwheel through your body.
I have a mystery and in my father lies the clues.
I had droplets of speciality, uniqueness, distinction, excitement...
Saturday 29th November 2014 10:59 pm
Black bullet hole wound
blooms red November petals.
Blood and remembrance.
Sunday 9th November 2014 4:08 pm
The Kill
The knife protrudes from his chest.
His heart pierced by cold steel.
The man falls to his knees.
Takes a final breath,
and falls over.
Blood covers my sweaty hands.
Adrenaline courses through my veins.
I do not feel guilt,
nor shame.
Instead I am awash in relief.
The deed is done and I feel anew.
Monday 8th September 2014 12:32 am
Friday 16th May 2014 1:54 am
the red regret of Thomas
the red regret of Thomas
my fingers drip crimson apologies
but now it’s far too late
I wanted to feel the red in you
to let the steaming coils
wrap themselves around my disbelief
so when you offered your wounds
I was cautious at first
but needed to satisfy fears
apprehension turned
to blood lust
even as the sticky mess of truth
congealed upon my skin
tears dribbled down my ...
Monday 24th March 2014 6:48 pm
Love Life
In love, a delicious drowning feeling,
Where stillness surrounds us, contrasting
A movie-like, high speed madness around us,
Bypassing us, because our love is frozen in time,
Growing now like the first buds in a spring passion,
Our touch electric-like, brings us closer than skin,
So close, that our hearts beat like one heart,
So close, that we drea...
Wednesday 30th October 2013 7:44 pm
Hatred Junkie
Fake nostalgia spews out from your head
For a sepia England that was never there
Hatred junkie, you know
Where the blood river flows
Feel the bile at your knees
Marching bands drown out your higher brain
Blaring voices drive your soul insane
Hatred junkie, you feel
Like a cog on a wheel
Grinding so out of time – after time
God made you useless
...Tuesday 18th June 2013 1:03 pm
Weird Words a new spoken words night
In Axilfah on Thundersday we heard a sonic boom.
The rain came down but words held sway within a tight packed room.
They came from Leeds and Lancashire, from Cleckheaton and Hudd.
They raised their arms and voices too and spoke of death and blood.
And local wordsmiths said their piece. What rants and hymns we heard
when Genevieve her coven called to utter Weird Words
Friday 10th May 2013 10:48 am
Blood Promise
today the feet inside my boots
all twenty-four inches
felt warm and liquid
floating so much I had to check
they weren’t leaking
tonight after badly juggling a
glass’s kitchen descent
the shards sang in G♯
and now they leaked
Saturday 25th August 2012 7:40 pm
The Apprentice
The Apprentice
"I saw it all"
said the witness
"For I am the carpenter"
head down, foot up,
arm stretching ever more...
"Try to keep it to that line
hold it straight and true."
Teeth vibrating every stroke
board slipping, blood dripping,
from the deep cut then resulting.
"Darn it!"
Said the seamstress
"A stitch in time
you know will save nine."
Came forth from her needle tongu...
Thursday 6th August 2009 3:15 pm
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