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I sang a song 

upon that hill

wishing you would hear


but the trees and birds

were all that heard

for you were nowhere near


I raised a note

so full of hurt 

up to the heavens high


and without you,

I laid my pain

upon that midnight sky


I cursed the stars,


my words so black with hate


but they cursed back

and left me numb

shocked, and mouth agape 


now, all around

the grass was gone

the once black sky was red


and to the night

I cried and mourned

the love I knew was dead


with time apass

that red grew dull

and turned a blue and grey


for I've grown cold

to that fierce love

that led my heart astray



◄ Birdsong

Humility in Mortality ►


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M.C. Newberry

Tue 31st Oct 2023 10:52

A short pithy teratment of an old theme. Neat.

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