The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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No Escape

We can’t escape it, don’t know what to do.

People at each other, guess it’s overdue.

Yeah, we’ve read about it.

Is it here? I doubt it,

but I’m here to tell ya that it all is true.


Cuz the world’s falling fast into decay.

Makes me wanna stand up, shout to say -

I don’t really know man!

Where we gonna go man?

We can’t keep going on and on this way.


They make ...

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historywarcivil war

Born of Rot: 14 June 1946

 14 June 1946 — the day malice was given human form again. It reflects on the vile nature of that birth and demands that this parasite be torn from the earth before more harm is done.

It was not a beginning, but a rupture. On 14 June 1946, the earth trembled as something rotten forced its way into life, a creature made from the worst parts of two people. There were no cries of happin...

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Machynlleth 1982

Bodies are burning their oil lamps brightly

from the windows overlooking the church  

their silhouettes shape-shift on the bedroom walls

as they move from room to room,

neither stand still long enough for you 

to grasp who or what they are,

televisions flicker in accord

as if planned in some way, it’s strangely romantic

as if part of a passion play – and I am the only one h...

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SnowfallMemoriesChildhoodWinterHistoryChristmasSchool Holidays

The Billionaire's Salute

The limerick recounts Elon Musk’s modified Nazi salute during Donald Trump’s inauguration celebration at the Capital One Arena, drawing attention to the unsettling revival of fascist gestures in a modern political context.

There once was a mogul named Musk, Whose fame turned increasingly brusque. At an oath-taking spree, He gestured with glee, A shadow from history’s dusk.

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Elon MuskNazi saluteTrump inaugurationCapital One Arenalimerickfascismpoliticscontroversysocial commentaryhistory

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