Born of Rot: 14 June 1946
14 June 1946 — the day malice was given human form again. It reflects on the vile nature of that birth and demands that this parasite be torn from the earth before more harm is done.
It was not a beginning, but a rupture.
On 14 June 1946, the earth trembled
as something rotten forced its way into life,
a creature made from the worst parts of two people.
There were no cries of happiness, only a warning —
a thing forged from hatred, vomited into existence.
A body to contain corruption,
a mouth shaped to speak only lies.
From its first hour, everything it did was cruel.
Its hands learned to destroy,
its eyes never knew mercy.
It grew strong by feeding on wreckage and screams.
But time is patient, and it hunts monsters.
History watches, sharp as a knife,
waiting to cut this sickness down,
waiting to burn the ground it crawled from.
The world must rise, without fear, without pity,
and drag this thing back to the filth it came from.
Its name must be erased.
Its existence must be ended.
History has seen what was born that day.
It is for us to remember — and to make sure
that nothing like it rises again.
Rolph David
Sun 16th Mar 2025 17:10
Hi Red Brick Keshner - thanks for your thumbs up. The subject matter seems to put some people off.