evil (Remove filter)
Born of Rot: 14 June 1946
14 June 1946 — the day malice was given human form again. It reflects on the vile nature of that birth and demands that this parasite be torn from the earth before more harm is done.
Sunday 16th March 2025 9:21 am
learning to confess
fond is fondly confess
confess fondly confess
confession rise to a confession
confession rise to be evil
learning to be evil
learning to be fondly
evil confess evil
evil confess fondly
evil is fondly evil
evil is a learning evil
evil is a learning confession
a signature of evil is a signature of a confession
a signature of evil is a signature of learning
Tuesday 15th October 2024 7:50 pm
Juden für Palästina! (Jews for Palestine!)
The accompanying video is of Emma Kirkby (an old family favourite of ours) singing “Dido’s Lament” by Henry Purcell. It’s one of the saddest pieces of English music I’ve ever heard, and so, is most appropriate.
I’ve modelled my poem around Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle into that good night”, on the premise that the night we currently face is not, in any sense ...
Friday 8th March 2024 12:40 pm
Winters fingers
Sweat on the ground
Moist all around
Shivering was the witch
Until the mob surround her switch
The crimes untold
As the woman's wrath unfolds
While the flames ignite
to the crowds’ delight
Her screams echo fuelling the mobs hate
While masking their fate as her soul surrounds them
The forest of death has a witches’ breath
With eyes that see through...
Wednesday 24th January 2024 10:07 am
you know the bliss of evil
i've seen the smallest, tall creatures be eaten alive from the inside.
a quick glance to the left and under the bed will tell you all you need to know.
the festering, rotten bed frame.
assembled by the very thing that chained me onto it for years.
but when i finally broke my own chords, vocal and the ones restraining,
another creature crawled from under the bed and took my place.
...Wednesday 8th June 2022 10:10 pm
Behind the Smiles
Behind the lies and painted smiles
Lies wounds that cannot heal
The tormented ache of a forgotten world
And a heart that can no longer feel
The outward laugh, a forgotten touch
Defy the darkness inside
The horror of a mind debauched and lost
In a pool of tears, uncried
A quick embrace and wanten love
Beleaguered by apathy and grime
A soulless mess, a repul...
Tuesday 2nd February 2021 10:40 am
Protect me from this life.
The ailments of the things around me.
Set me free into the sky,
Shine light in the darkness that surrounds me.
I'm one man against the world,
Sometimes it seems hard to bear.
Sometimes I prayed,
But only the Devil responded,
And God wasn't there.
I fell deep into the pits,
Both alcohol and substance abuse.
The devil talking to me,
From this bottle im drin...
Monday 16th November 2020 12:57 pm
Satan's Dustbin
Satan’s Dustbin
Satan, at number 666, is putting out the bins
Which are overflowing with hatred and all of mankind’s sins
The refuse collectors stay away they refuse to go near
Part of it’s the cloying smell and part of it’s just fear
Despite the warning label clearly stating ‘no hot ash’
He insists on putting them in there along with all the trash
The sad truth of his be...
Tuesday 9th June 2020 5:11 pm
I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be
I sliced the sun into two
And looted shimmering bars of gold
Which lined her womb,
Her beloved broods I stole.
I plucked the sturdiest mountains,
The choicest adornments on the face of the globe.
All it took were my hands, raw and unrestrained,
Their maimed rubbles now abuse those they adore.
I remember the sea that like Moses I parted
And the ocean floor ...
Tuesday 19th May 2020 2:03 pm
The political train is going off track
-->In the past
Martin Luther King Jr
Antonio Gramsci
Were waging a fight
For the observance of
Their likes' right,
Also like Frederik Engels
Crossing-floor or
Transcending class
There were some
Who were struggling
On the side of
The oppressed mass.
Proletariat internationalism
Their intent
The likes of Che Guevara
Ho Chi Minh ,Castro
Proved freedom fighters
Monday 28th October 2019 3:02 pm
The Void
Hey there lonely girl,
what are you doing wandering around
these dark places?
Don’t you know that
evil lurks about?
The void is littered
with those who will use you,
abuse you,
scar your soul for eternity.
Listen to my pleas,
I’m begging on bended knees,
move forward
towards the light,
no matter how tempting
the mysterious
shadows may be.
Sunday 27th January 2019 5:51 am
Banged Up
"My how you've grown"
Said the kindly old dear.
"Last time I held you
you burped in my ear.
The truth of the matter
I just have to say
it's been twenty long years
since they put me away.
It's a long stretch of time
which I passed saving stamps
but that's what they gave me
for killing your Gramps.
I know you're an orphan
'cause I poisoned y...
Friday 18th January 2019 9:27 pm
Spiteful out of envy
I am going to do something completely out of spite
i know it's bad it makes me sad it's definetley not right
It's something inside me that takes over when i'm jealous
this certian urge causes me to become rebellious
I will regret this in the future and i will be sorry
as for now i'l do it proud and not have to worry
I apologise in advanced for this
You'll find out some day
...Saturday 17th February 2018 6:08 pm
June Collage Poem: Evil
Baggy trouser party I will vote for you!
Faded flowers, flowing emotions
Jumping over invisible cats
A stucco heron stalks a halting river
Three bags full, why three, why he, evil be
Evil wears many faces
Ginger Dorris offered peanuts
I bruise easily. My shelter is flimsy
And fragmented. It tastes of shallowed wounds
Sometimes it's a blessing
When a tra...
Tuesday 13th June 2017 11:12 am
I Looked At Evil
Sometimes, there are no words. Yet all I have is words.
I Looked At Evil
I looked at Evil: it wore a suicide vest
My cause is just, it claimed
your murdered children my price
Kill me, and a thousand martyrs fall in behind
You cannot kill me, it smiled
for I am dead by a tug of this cord
You cannot kill me, Evil declared
You cannot buy me off
You canno...
Tuesday 23rd May 2017 10:37 am
Thursday 23rd June 2016 4:44 pm
The Marked Ones
The Marked Ones
Icicles stab like swords through my heart,
Enemies terrorize my mind,
Sanity slipping from the whole and the parts,
Time is elapsing,
Panic starts,
The dream of salvation is lost in the storm,
Ugly dark angels beg to be born,
Uncage the black beast,
Unholiest sworn,
Warriors come running from distant lands,
Strength and composure ripp...
Thursday 23rd June 2016 4:13 pm
The Evil Tree
I'm going to tell you a story, which was genuinely one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I'd always been quite cynical about the idea of ghosts and demons and spiritualism, but this moment changed that for me and made me realise that actually, we are NOT alone in this world. Please, I know and understand the cynicism of most on this topic, but I can assure you that I have not invented any...
Monday 28th March 2016 10:45 pm
Fruit In My Fist
Lips: like cliché cartoon roses.
Yes, red.
But open up my mouth,
Those lilies will - snap. - You. - Up.
Thorn in your side.
I think we used to fly with the bats,
The doves always ended up on our dinner table,
I told you it was chicken.
You choked me with Amen,
You squeezed me with your hand for grace,
For grace, from grace I fell
Down from the heaven...
Tuesday 22nd March 2016 3:05 pm
something i must hide
Breasts are something to be ashamed of, something to hide,
Yet something that a kid will suck on just to stay alive!
Something everyone once depended on once in their life
Yet something evil, something I must hide
A man's nipples are useless and yet just fine
The woman's are lewd tho to a hungry baby divine
To wear one layer of clothing!
A sin God forbid despite the sweltering heat
The s...
Friday 22nd May 2015 7:09 am
Daniel In The Hyena's Den
Daniel In The Hyena’s Den
his limbs break like sticks
and these protectors
these vermin
hurt him
he has no more dreams
only the lonely nights
locked in the room
where pain will come
with demon eyes.
see a thin child
nothing more
but much less
in soul
they justify
their negligence
by quoting
Thursday 1st August 2013 10:55 am
Beware the shadow by the corner dark,
For there he waits for seven reasons sour,
His wicked tongue hath limitless remark,
Whilst therein seeking whom he may devour.
Be sober and be vigilant thy kin,
Thy adversary waits beneath the pyre,
Then walks about as proud as the lion,
To drag thy wayward souls towards the fire.
Thursday 25th July 2013 11:37 am
His dog craps in my garden
to the sound of metal rock.
His kids creep round my greenhouse
scrawling balls and giant cock.
His wife is bruised and beaten
all around the fucking clock.
His preferred weapon of choice
is to hurt and maim and shock.
Home from church on a Sunday,
he has a bonfire burning -
pitchforking rubber tyres
and dead meat that ...
Monday 25th February 2013 1:51 pm
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