perspective (Remove filter)
it was all matter of
always on the same side
always the same
today I crossed
to the other side
and it was different
I observed the wall,
the street, everything
even the sky was different
It was the same street,
and i understood:
it was all matter of perspective.
Monday 7th October 2024 7:21 am
Raw eggs
I tried beautiful,
I tried pristine,
I was no good at it
I’m not neat within
I’m not “clean”
Even externally, I cannot master
Clearing every bit of clutter
I’m raw, like an egg
It’s not pretty to have a cracked head
But if I don’t
I’m practically dead
As inanimate and detached as my wooden bed
To be raw is
But it’s rich with fee...
Friday 8th September 2023 5:25 pm
The Bottle
The Bottle
Sometimes it's easy to take comfort from a bottle
Trying to numb or dull the anxiety
A swill of sweet oakey booze to dissolve those feelings one would rather ignore
But eventually, given enough time, and enough drink
One starts to notice that bottle isn't your friend
It doesn't work
It doesn't numb anything
In fact, most of the time, it boils and churns up and c...
Thursday 3rd November 2022 7:12 pm
i blame
I blame my parents
Their fears made me lame.
There were no rooms for mistakes
Today I am a perfectionist,
An Idealist of every aspects
I blame my parents
For the OCD, today chaos frightens me.
Beliefs shoved down my throat.
For all my insecurities about relationships,
Today I chase what I can’t have.
For the lecture instead of advice,
Today any cr...
Monday 12th July 2021 11:52 pm
The only thing I knew was pain,
And you showed me what love was.
All I had experienced was crude desire,
And you wanted me like no-one else
Ever had.
I'd burnt my faith,
And then the ashes of my faith, away.
And still it felt safe to believe you.
Any sadness I had,
I know was only brought with me.
It was my only possession, still,
You convinced me to throw it away.
How did those arms, ...
Tuesday 15th June 2021 7:55 am
eerie mystery
A droplet rolling down a leaf,
a ray of sunshine lighting the way,
rain clouds coating the sky in gray,
all of it beautiful beyond belief.
In the distance a drawn out howl,
the night gives all a nocturnal cowl,
hiding in the shadows,
a quiet danger grows,
waiting for an opportunity,
a made-up monstrosity.
Both begin in an eerie forest,
it all depends on t...
Monday 7th June 2021 10:25 pm
I can think some portions of the image,
But the words don't exist,
This fear that can't be said.
How the thought can freeze the body,
And not the body the thought.
And any communication describes nothing.
I can say some things that I think,
But others make me mute.
This barrier in my head,
Even I can't cross.
It is like painting a face a single shade of pink.
Like drawin...
Saturday 5th June 2021 6:26 am
Wise Counsel?
You lock me in a room with no weapons
To fight the waiting lion.
I'd built a hasty tower of chairs
To reach the window,
You could have pulled me out
But you pushed me back
"Find a ladder to reach this window."
And you wondered why I was clinging.
Then you pulled the chairs out
and s...
Tuesday 1st June 2021 10:06 am
Jumping The Gun
Just because I've learnt to swim underwater,
Doesn't mean I can live without breathing.
Just because I can walk on the surface,
Doesn't mean I can't slip and start sinking.
If I don't look in the mirror,
Doesn't mean my face has changed.
If I start at the beginning,
Still I have to reach the end.
Just because there is a meaning
Doesn't mean I understand (or know it).
Just because the...
Sunday 30th May 2021 2:37 pm
We don't think you ought to do that.
"Tell me what to do!"
We don't think you should feel like that.
"Tell me what to feel!"
You should know that there's always a way forward.
"Show me where to go!"
You should be stronger than that.
"Show me how."
We've decided you can cope if you try.
"You don't know what it's l...
Tuesday 25th May 2021 4:27 am
The Perfect Fit
The sun doesn't know that I'm different
The sun doesn't notice I'm here
The air doesn't know that I'm special
The air doesn't care that I'm there
The moon glows on me just the same
The moon doesn't care who I am
And time has never stopped for anyone
Since time began.
No, my dust won't be any different
Than dust has ever been
My bones won't seem more magnificent
Than bones have ever se...
Wednesday 10th March 2021 1:58 am
Whatever I have done
I might have done worse, and might have done better.
Whatever I have chosen
I might have chosen worse, and might have chosen better.
Whatever I have tried to say,
I might have said worse, and might have said better.
Whatever I might be,
I might have been worse, and might have been better.
But maybe judgement at all isn’t necessary
For better or worse, perhaps ...
Friday 5th February 2021 2:43 am
To Be Decided
Oh you are stranded on a mountain
you are deep down in a cave
you are in a burning building
you are threatened by big waves
There's a hurricane surrounding
The earth is quaking underfoot
you're marooned and you are drowning
you are in amongst the wolves
And you are paralysed and voiceless
you're exhausted and in shock
you're bewildered and defeated
you are hopeless and you're lost
Friday 29th January 2021 12:32 am
Careless Breeze
I stood beneath a whispering tree
Upon a windy day
Singing into the careless breeze
My cares they blew away.
Then finally I clearly heard
What nature did avow
And I could see the sun at last
Beyond the leafy boughs.
Yes, finally I clearly hear
What nature does avow
And I can see the sun at last
Beyond the leafy boughs.
Wednesday 13th January 2021 11:33 am
Centre Of The Universe
Don't we all see our speciality
as the central truth?
My sister, the mathematician, thinks the world
is ruled by numbers
and defined by them.
She would say that without maths
the world is nothing
then start to prove it.
The medic or the tailor
the banker or the lawyer
the chef or farmer
the centre of the universe,
but most of all
I think
the poet.
Tuesday 12th January 2021 2:55 am
30,000 Times
Thirty thousand times around the world
I'll go thirty thousand times around the world,
Give or take a few,
But what will I do,
While I go thirty thousand times around the world?
I've gone around the world before,
At least ten thousand times or more,
All because the Earth is in a spin.
But between me and you, what will I do,
While I go thirty thousand times around the world?
Oh!... ...
Sunday 27th December 2020 1:17 pm
To Those That Hurt Others
I pity you for the worldview you have acquired.
I pity you for the hurt you have suffered.
I pity you for the opportunities you have squandered.
And I pity you the friendships that have foundered.
I pity you for the fear that propels you.
I pity you for the decisions that shape you.
I pity you the isolation that awaits you.
And I pity you the path actions take you.
I pity you who canno...
Tuesday 22nd December 2020 8:46 am
Living beneath the wind,
How easy it is not to reach for the stars.
But sleeping beneath the moon,
How can we not yearn?
Touched by infinity,
Where do we place the next step?
Conscious of eternity,
We must ever go on.
In all of this grandeur, I should feel so small.
Soaking it into every pore,
I wonder.
In all this variety, I must seem so dull.
Watching the intricacy,
I learn.
Tuesday 8th December 2020 10:25 am
Lodged In The Mind
A dip in the sand caught a pool of sea,
When the tide came in and went out again.
The pool of sea caught a ray of sun,
And it seemed like a star had been caught on Earth,
But a moment later all was gone.
A child ran forward to see what it was,
That shone so brightly from out of the dirt.
Little feet,
Kicking up sand,
Ran themselves through a dip in the ground.
And it seemed like the je...
Monday 7th December 2020 12:42 pm
Aspire or desire
One last blow out.
One last crucial hit.
A delightful dream which is
way out of the desired grip.
Every repetition of this addictive action
Every summon to this predicted slip.
Each time over and over again
Causes our precious belief to slowly rip.
The belief is to quit and seek much further beyond.
The truth that we desire of which we have oh so longed.
...Tuesday 10th November 2020 9:27 pm
Mirror of perception
'Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the ugliest of them all'.
Hearing the answer gotten so sad,
For the looks of it, he was not so bad.
Seeing himself ugly in every face,
But it was just his perception not the case.
Thinking of this day and night,
Forgetting the beauty was not in the face but inside.
Again giving himself a chance, he gathered courage.
Asking one more question, like a sag...
Sunday 30th August 2020 12:56 pm
Sell Me Something More Than Snake Oil And Lies
Sell Me Something More Than Snake Oil And Lies
They say that pulling down statues
Is rewriting history
As though the sculptors who made them
Were historians
And not some commissioned artist
Doing what he was told
Sell me something more than snake oil and lies
It is a form of history
Cast in the wealthy viewpoint
From the stance of the privileged
Thursday 11th June 2020 2:21 pm
Two Toads
Two toads sitting on a log
One toad pushes the other in
and chuckles to himself
that he always wins
The second toad surfaces
with a satisfied smile
happy to be in the water
where he’d craved to be
all the while
Wednesday 6th November 2019 7:48 pm
fix me
Porcelain doll, why are you frowning?
She said, "I am you", "Look at my damage, all the drugs you're downing"
Cracked and peeling, there's no reverse.
She started crying, "Are you going to stop now or make it worse?"
Porcelain doll, how do I stop?
She said, "That's on you."
I take another pill and I hear a pop.
Piece after piece falls on the floor.
She cries out as it hurts...
Tuesday 29th October 2019 8:40 pm
Kings and Scribes
How easy it is to judge
from the throne of
How comforting to
cast off what
doesn't fit our
moral code.
Perspective is
colored by our own
evolution and lingering
The soul of a scribe
cannot help but
share truths
that set spirits
free, no matter
the cost of their
own liberty.
Friday 1st February 2019 7:41 pm
A Fine Line between Living and Death
You do not exist anymore
Scientifically speaking,
You are absolutely nothing
Unconscious, intangible, not there.
You exist in my mind,
Poetically speaking,
You live on through that funny anecdote
Or recipe, your legacy, our memory.
You are my tragic backstory,
Therapeutically speaking,
The key to solving why I am the way I am
What you made me w...
Friday 18th January 2019 7:55 pm
You, you
Wednesday 26th December 2012 1:49 am
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