The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

grief (Remove filter)

Beneath the Noise

We carry wounds which no one sees, Stripped bare by the world's quiet indifference. A life lost, forgotten by time's cruel hands, Moments of sorrow fade beneath others' noise. A bomb bursts, its weight unseen, And the rubble settles—no one comes to mourn. We sit with our aching bodies, Alone in a world that turns its back. A sickness takes root, And the world moves on—too busy, too ...

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grieflossisolationempathyindifferencesufferingwarhungeranimal crueltysilent painhuman behaviourinjusticeneglectloneliness

The Path of Immortality

The Path of Immortality explores the timeless journey of the atoms that compose us, weaving together the origins of life from stardust to the cycles of death and rebirth. As we grieve the loss of loved ones, this poem offers solace, reminding us that no part of them is truly lost. Their atoms continue to shape the world, giving rise to new life in ways unseen. It is a gentle reminder that we are a...

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immortalitystardustatomscosmic cyclelife after deathgriefrebirthuniversenatureeternal journeycomfort in losstransformationexistencetimeless connection

The Unwanted Guest

He has come again

Never welcome, never kind

The unwanted guest 

How I wish we weren’t intertwined 


Sometimes he gives notice

Sometimes, none at all 

The unwanted guest 

His shadow looms and curtains fall 


When he departs 

The darkness stays

The unwanted guest 

When will he free us from these chains


A friend to none

Yet known by all

The unwan...

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Griefdeathdoom and gloomgloomsadlife and deathFate

Le Grisou

On winter days, with frosted breath,

We wander to the warm, great hall

To see this sacred scene once more.

A mother mourns her perished son,

As mothers do across the world,

While washed-up men, most often old,

Pick off the innocent for sport.

Grouped women, tethered in their grief,

Mop up the personal effects,

Doused in their humid, sodden tears.

Soon, beyond anger, b...

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bereave me



You are never far away from my thoughts or heart's embrace,

we are tethered between life states and alternate existences . . .

believe me.





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Another star twinkles its last
And yet the sky does not mourn

Only the moon weeps gently
Behind the wisps of clouds
But still the golden star will rise
Breaking horizons line
In reds, pinks and yellow
and the land answers with song.

Only the sea whispers gently
Against the grey rocks
Bubbling through the pebbles
Murmuring of memories
But still the mountains stand
Defiant and stron...

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