The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Talking to the moon

Talking to the moon, Sun get jealous soon.


Walking in the night  Stars sprinkle the light.


Rocking as the rockstar, All are dancing in the bar.


Smoking in the air, Get your mask wear.

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To suffer

Ah, to suffer,
is not just an invisible burden
that we drag through the streets of life.
It is the mark, the scar,
of existence that shapes us.

To suffer is the pain
that teaches us to see the world
with weary eyes,
where reality is not a straight line
but a labyrinth of thorns and hopes.

In the deep silence of the night,
where the moon whispers secrets of pain,
we find the echo of...

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The Old Man Reciting His Title

I am the Old Man 

My age? 

Ah, does that still matter? 

My title is called decrepit, or so they say

A title that wraps around my wrinkles 

A title that wraps around my blurred eyes 

A title that wraps around my dimming ears

Some say I have no strength, 

but isn’t my age my strength? 

Some say I have no power, 

but isn’t my age my power? 

Ah, does that sti...

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livegrowing olderOld Soulshumans

Raw eggs

I tried beautiful,

I tried pristine,

I was no good at it

I’m not neat within

I’m not “clean”

Even externally, I cannot master

Clearing every bit of clutter

I’m raw, like an egg

It’s not pretty to have a cracked head

But if I don’t

I’m practically dead

As inanimate and detached as my wooden bed

To be raw is




But it’s rich with fee...

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raw eggsmesscleansoulconnectintrinsicworldfreefreedomuniverseviewperspectiveexistentialgroundedcentredconsciousnessrawlifelivecontrolledwildsensory overloadpainfulemotionembracerealtruth

Poetry prequels pain

Poetry comes to me
In bits
and pieces
I write it
On a paper
All those
random lines
Which look like
Prequel plots
A hurt
not yet felt
I keep losing
this paper
Just like how I
Keep losing the
Thoughts of you
And of
you and me
my heart
So I get to
the hurt--

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Flame-Licked Heels

I’ve been working on

Coming back from

The dead

Realising reality

Living in this world

Becoming me

I don’t have to know who I am

But I must know that I am

I am, I am, I am

I don’t have to know what I am

To deserve to be

I’m working on being,

Just being

Because I’ve been existing

Mindless, automatic, numb

Best autopilot, me

Coming back from the dead


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deademotionlessfeelrebornresurrectionspiritgrowthself workhardshipinspireoptimismhopefuturechoiceempowerpowerdecisionstake controlmanifestconnectvibrationliveenjoybebecomechangetransformjourneyexciting

We Feel

Some time ago
My skin turned wooden
My feet moulded into one
I slipped
And smudged the painted grid
On the marble floor
Another time I fell
And did not stop
I rolled right off the board
It was not a conscious decision
To spectate rather than participate
But it happened
As it does to many
Who give up on giving
When you undertake solely seeing
You relinquish being
But not feeli...

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anxietybeingchoiceclosedcontroldepressionemotionlessfeelinternalintrovertlivenumbselfswitch offwall

Mambo Moment

We interrupt our program 
to bring this important 

Amid the chaos and confusion,
be on the lookout for a  
a mambo moment, 

where you suddenly break 
into song and dance, 
forget your cares, 
live in the moment, 
feel the rhythm of life. 

A mambo moment often appears 
out of nowhere, at the most 
unexpected time.

Those around may think
you lost your mind,
but the...

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i loved the feeling of blood flowing down my wrists,

the sensation of pain used to make me feel alive.


i was not afraid to lose my life,

because i was already long lost.


thoughts of killing my ownself dint scare me,

beacuse death was my only desire.


people used to say i am going crazy,

but they never felt my pain.


i tried, i tried so many times,

to li...

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GOD Bless


Surely, I'm not happy 
To lose the best friend 
It is true, not funny 
"GOD" put the final end 

Certain hour, of the day 
Whatever we are or where 
We have to say Goodbye 
"GOD" is kind and fair 

No one plans to die 
No one remains forever 
No When , Where or WHY? 
Let's pray, no suffer

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Arrive Alive


Road crashes are every minute 
Here and there, in every point 
More than a million killed a year 
And speed is death, no doubt 


“Drive Safely” is only choice 
ٍSafety belt, has no "price" 
Come back safe for the family 
We live "once", not twice 


Road is not real excuse 
But the behavior is a main cause 
For crashes all over that world 
No more anger .. no abuse

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Money is the soul to reach a goal 
It is the tool to play a role
But if you're miser or a poor 
No way to live happy and cool 


Luck is the wing across future 
but work is the core of the creature
To be strong even no wing 
Keep your effort to win the venture 


Poor & rich, should also search 
Money everywhere, we must fetch 
the only lazy .. also crazy 
Forever, no goa...

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acrossbenazouzcoolcorecrazycreaturecultureefforteverywherefetch lazyforeverfuturegoalhappyhopekeepliveluckmiserMoneymustplaypoorreachrichrolesearchsoulstrongtoolventurewaywinwingwork






Is it a Curse .. or God's Grace 
To live alone heart and place 
Suffering what I always face 
Hopeless to be myself again 

Are these changes good for me 
To be lonely always or not to be 
To live away of what I see 
I lost my hope and brain 

Sadly to wake up and sleep 
Painful to feel yourself cheap 
Living alone hurts in deep 
I wish to know why, but i...

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Believe to Live


Be happy with what you have 
Then you will have what you hope 
Firmly, work and save 
Simply, you reach the top 


It depends on you more 
Than a reason or a cause 
Not because rich and poor 
Your brain, how much knows 


Do believe in God's Judging 
And gain your thought results 
God never asks a jumbling
But to be aware of the facts

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Laugh to Live.


Happiness, in hands for you.

If you decided, not to be sad.

As a cup of water, to drink.

To clean your thoughts, to be glad.


Sadness, does not need to broach.

It always knocks, worried heart.

But Happiness, with a golden coach.

Asks, to ride happiness cart.


The Brain is yours, “to make use”.

Positively, think of your own.

Feel your value, never abuse.


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Save to live

Invest always your time 
Time is life, why to lose? 
Read and enjoy your hobby 
To be happy, you should choose 

Put your plan to save money 
Money gives you happiness to live 
Never plan to ask a loan 
But should be able, too, to give 

Actively, go for good change 
World never stop at all 
Give everything time to deal 
Surely, you'll achieve the goal 

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Only One Winner

Only One Winner


He dropped a glass

On my stone floor

And there was only one winner.


She breathed her last

Was at death’s door

And there was only one winner.


He took a chance

She faced a threat

And there was only one winner.


He lived a life,

He paid his debt

And there was only one winner.


My nights were dark

The sun arose

And the...

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I Call Him Azrael

Is this the end?
I ask 'Azrael'
Where shall I depart
Where shall I restart
Where to take my heart?

What if the answer is silence
And if
Angel of Death
Steals my breath
And Says:
"We Love you more
Then you adore
Your Leila"

What Shall I say
On that day
When I will be alone on my way

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Liveangel of deathazraelmirza sharafat

Powermoves and Hope... Leaps above all : The story of one BBoy steps of hope. A Super BBoy who possess the power to fly, but all he wants to do is dance! A BBoy called Mickey.

The @Facebook/DreamAcademy trying to persuade ,one not to believe in fickle dreams changing from moment to moment. No, theirs is a slightly more challenging Powermove , they came to restore the magic of the wonder found in every waking moment ,every step in the amazing footwork ,the flips and windmills etc all captured forever in the mind and heart of our magnificent, hauntingly creative , "too co...

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We Are The Dead

We Are The Dead


we are the dead

the unrequited love

the words we never said

the dreams we never realised

we are the dead


we are the dead

sat in front of the TV

spending too long in bed

wasting our lives away

we are the dead


we are the dead

arguing among ourselves

never leading being led

to places we don’t want to go

we are the dead



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livemaking the most of lifeproctastinationrichpix

Live your tomorrow

In the days of chaos when life is a tornado

Looking for some calm and a direction to go

Stand your ground and hold on to what is real

The storm will pass no matter how you feel


Bright skies and sunny days are ahead

Live your life large and get out of bed

Smiling wider that the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge

Go and take your energy drink from the fridge


Be brave and show the...

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Demon I can't live without

“Looking at you is like looking at myself in the mirror. Only that you’re the demon in me where I wanted to cast away. But then again, you are also the drugs I can’t live without.”

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The Day You Begin To Live

Trisha M. Hopkins

The day you begin to live 
Is the day you start to die 
Things you see aren't what you believe 
Even the first tear you cry 
Is already the thing of the past 
The hardest you try 
You cant make the day last 

The day you take your first breath 
Is the day you gasp for air 
Trying to figure out whats next 
The sound of angels is what you hear 


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Do you hear that?
That sound?

Its the sound
of your beating heart.
And theres a reason why
it continues to beat.

So, don't hurt yourself or end it
because, someone has hurt you
emotionally or physically.
I say this because, I had also
thought about ending my own life
because, of others had hurt me.

So, listen.



Listen to me...

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I love seeing a band live so much, the energy

and times I’ve had have been breathtaking.

All sorts of people packed into a small uni hall

rocking out to some of their rave music.

I remember All About Eve in Liverpool catching

the train there and missing the support band.

What a gig! Seeing Def Leppard in the heat of ’93,

the beer, the m...

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rock giglivemusic

poems read by me at Ring o' Bells pub, Middleton 28/8/11

a big thanx to Gemma Lees who hosted the event and invited me along and also thanx to all who showed an interest in my poem book, poems and free download of my work. and to the other poets there, we are family.:)


NORWEGIAN BATTLE (Halifax bomber raised from Norway fjord)



Dull metallic monster sitting on the bottom, forty fathoms

down, crushing weight of black water...

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poemsliveopen micmiddleton

poem i read live at blouse band gig opening for them




Rising higher and higher the warplane climbs

through the hazy sky, sun reflecting off the distant water

far below through a gap in the clouds.

Missiles hang under delta wings

ready for instant launch when an enemy

is spotted across the distant sky.

An inhuman machine with the looks of a goddess


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poemnick armbristerliveblousejackson's pitoldham

A Queer Response (audio)

Recorded live on Soundart Radio.

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