The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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And I Wander

And I Wonder
How 2 Hearts can pull at another with the intensity of a Star only a days trip from my Orbit
A Tsunami of emotions exhilarated and on trial

Can you stare at a thing and immediately feel the Wind underneath your feet? 
Fluttering, Flustered 
No wor-

Six 5ive
Pink Sand
Anything to keep your emotions from invading that naive fertile Land

'I just want..'
The human con...

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lovepoetrylove trianglestarsplanetsYoung Lovedecisions

Betting on all the odds

I think I'm falling,
But you’re just another guy,
I mentioned you in my prayers.
Cupid is calling,
But in the end I’d just have to say goodbye,
I told my mom about you.
I can’t sleep at night,
You show up in my dreams.
I think I have a crush on you,
No, It’s too good to be true,
I really want to try.
In the end the I’d bet on...

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Flame-Licked Heels

I’ve been working on

Coming back from

The dead

Realising reality

Living in this world

Becoming me

I don’t have to know who I am

But I must know that I am

I am, I am, I am

I don’t have to know what I am

To deserve to be

I’m working on being,

Just being

Because I’ve been existing

Mindless, automatic, numb

Best autopilot, me

Coming back from the dead


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deademotionlessfeelrebornresurrectionspiritgrowthself workhardshipinspireoptimismhopefuturechoiceempowerpowerdecisionstake controlmanifestconnectvibrationliveenjoybebecomechangetransformjourneyexciting

Horizons Dont Wait For Anyone

I wasted my life in a search for myself

Lost amid cul de sacs and blind alleys

Wondering just what it was I wanted

Sages say he is doomed who dallies


Horizons don't wait for anyone

Age creeps up on you like a mist

Years become vague phantoms

Its why I've rarely been kissed


I'm getting older but still confused

I always had trouble with my vision

Soon I wont s...

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Train to Nowhere

Based on the opening scene of Stardust Memories.


The clock ticks in desperation to move us along, to where we belong. 

Our eyes remain forward, no longer looking back. 

The man in seat 2B sobs with tears streaming down his face. He’s left his life in his old place.

I soak in the faces of passengers around me, stern looks all around.

All longing for company, for answers that c...

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Decisions! Decisions!

If I meet a stranger in the way and he asked me for my name,

Should I tell him with a sad sad smile that we are all the same?

When a ravenous roaring lion comes hurtling down the street,

Should I stand my ground a trembling and sweep him off his furry feet?

If our pearls of wisdom scatter, strewn askew on stony ground,

Should we weep and wail, O woe is me!, or act like are fool...

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It was black and white

for a while


Until the first line

was drawn


Then the pale grey people

the people who could only draw

a black cross

in a white box

began to sense

other possibilities

shading the palette


The colours of debate

splashed clumsily

over everything:

the harsh red of anger

the yellow of injustice

screaming crimson

a har...

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Should I

Should i speak up when its wrong?
Should i challenge what i see?
Should i mind my own business?
Should i not judge what i see?

Should i stand up for what's right?
Should i concentrate on me?
Should i stop being so selfish?
Should i know what's good for me?

Should i know my place and shut my mouth?
Should i not be a sheep?
Should i make sure they know my name?
Should i not have that ...

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Water falling down my face, in my head I’m confused

I thought I did things right, but I’m all alone and feeling used

Emotionally, mentally, even physically abused

I had everything to give, and also everything to lose

I open up my home, and they became thieves in the night

I woke up and didn’t notice, all I see is the sun shining bright

The birds are singing, grass is greener, in ...

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The Nameless Baby

The ghost of the unborn
Knife in hand.
Twisting heart piercing
Hurt until death,
Black gothic, silver ringlets
To no avail.
Ears that will always hear
A lost child’s cry.

Youths payback time
Uninformed decisions.
Mothers ruin
Drink it down.
Don’t cry someone will see.
Career girl.
Care free girl
She knows now.

Where was Mother
Holding back God.
It’s for the best
Work and car...

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abortiondecisionschildhood death

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