colours (Remove filter)
on the roof hawk chicks
secure at
floors high
nestle their mother
under bright sun
the male soar
free to hunt,
enquiring amber eyes seeing
colours we can't
disturb the
eyrie no
screams ascend or
smoke black as
seventy-one funerals
Tuesday 4th August 2020 11:26 am
What Lies Above And Below Us
Far above us
The sky bursts into colours-
Blue, purple, grey, orange,
With red and all the hues in its range.
Miles beneath our feet
Are secrets buried,
Arcane and deep.
Their ampoules once known to everybody.
What goes overhead
Suffuses stars and their milky shells.
The departure from earth melancholic but serene,
Leaves behind shimmering trails that spe...
Sunday 5th July 2020 2:45 pm
How they have fallen,
Laying thick,
Pressing the jostling grass
Under them.
Obliterating it from sight.
Their browns and yellows brighter
Than the grey above.
Achieving a moment of glory,
In death a dominance.
Looking up to freed branches
Framing veiled light,
Had they thought to fly,
Letting go their source of life?
How they have fallen!
Saturday 26th October 2019 5:25 pm
Waking to see autumn's lustre
lit on my beech
rust leaves gilt glowing
red gold bathed by
a rising sun's first grasp
of day.
Turning to see gold amber cirrus
low light the east -
beneath a darker grey purple
cloud bruise
that golden gleam of
dawning dawn.
So my sad grey purple dreams
dawn dim
their dark ghosts disconnect ...
Tuesday 22nd October 2019 11:54 am
It was black and white
for a while
Until the first line
was drawn
Then the pale grey people
the people who could only draw
a black cross
in a white box
began to sense
other possibilities
shading the palette
The colours of debate
splashed clumsily
over everything:
the harsh red of anger
the yellow of injustice
screaming crimson
a har...
Monday 3rd December 2018 10:39 am
An Autumn Song for the Traveller
Before I go
Let me drink this rich wine
Let me sing my delight
This gold red dawn has promise:
vibrant with the cold sun
vanishing valley mists
leave damp spider web to shimmer
mistdrops on the long reeds
and ungathered lawn leaves
damply shining
against the muted green of wet grass.
This amber morning has perfection:
wonderfully wooded leaf tints
Monday 22nd October 2018 3:01 pm
Colour 309 U
As we sat
over coffee
she said
she liked
the blue
of the wall
I could see a shade of green
in the blue
The next table
agreed blue
We called it
Mermaid Blue
I wondered if that lady
at the next ta...
Tuesday 16th October 2018 11:28 pm
A two week old cup of homemade lemonade right before I brush my teeth with vinegar
Losing all my trust,
yet I still believe you,
admitting my defeat.
You have lied,
many times before,
and you still told me things,
no body knows.
Showed your true colours,
but never showed your face.
Flirt with the thought of death,
somehow you were stopped,
but this time,
nothing stands in the way,
except for a bottle of rum,
a golden pen and a writing you'll never understand.
Sunday 2nd September 2018 12:16 am
I can taste the colours of your kiss
Fiery crimsons bursting through
Mellow yellows
Exploding into sweet tangelo
Cool blues
Turning violet
As my senses play this quiet duet
I hear music when you touch me
Bass lines throbbing alongside
Exotic rhythms
Tumbling into trembling strings
Soaring voices
Dulcet tones
Within your music my body groans
I can smell flowers in your words
Monday 21st March 2016 8:54 am
funeral days
funeral days
funeral days
should always be like this
early mourning dew
in the eyes of those gathered
under a slate grey sky
(not blasphemous blue)
whose heavy tears
will splash
the golden Judas kiss
of leaves crackling
beneath disrobed trees
betraying the sadness
with their joyful colour
the heavy damp sods of earth
clinging close to the coffin
like the grief
that surrounds...
Friday 10th October 2014 7:14 pm
Some of the weirdest shapes I’ve seen are hanging in the sky, a portent of things to come or so say the dark masters.
Are they here to protect us or to destroy us, to fill our lives with evil?
Iridescent colours cast their hue making shadows dance across the land.
In all the towns and cities the culturists plan their revenge to rid their domain of the dark m...
Sunday 5th February 2012 1:55 pm
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