numb (Remove filter)
We go through life trying to fulfill
By feeling full
It’s easy to live in comfort and abundance
But maybe you drown,
Don’t live
And you just exist
Strip away luxury…
Could you be with just yourself,
And basic needs?
With only your thoughts for company?
Because we go through life trying to fulfill
By feeling full
We consume with our mouths
Pack, squeeze, cram...
Monday 6th February 2023 11:34 pm
Where You Begin
The first time
Is a pin prick
To unstitch
Your skin
To feel yourself
You search your being
You are it:
Coursing through yourself
The second time
You search inside
A stranger
Behind the corner shop
You find where he begins
But come back,
Stinking of rot
Void of thought
To feel what?
What are you searching for?
To begin ag...
Sunday 22nd November 2020 10:30 am
We Feel
Some time ago
My skin turned wooden
My feet moulded into one
I slipped
And smudged the painted grid
On the marble floor
Another time I fell
And did not stop
I rolled right off the board
It was not a conscious decision
To spectate rather than participate
But it happened
As it does to many
Who give up on giving
When you undertake solely seeing
You relinquish being
But not feeli...
Saturday 21st November 2020 7:27 pm
Dry and numb.
Grief cannot be duplicated, though it can be felt, again and again.
We’ll just go to sleep and never cry again. so it shall be dreamed, not wept.
It will fade, but right now, we sleep.
Numb and dry.
Tuesday 21st July 2020 6:57 pm
A Part
My bed is still warm
When the next body rolls in
But I'm not
I'm numb
Your body
- Or his -
- Or hers -
Envelopes mine
And I can breathe
I am consumed
I am part of you,
Of someone that lives
That moves
That loves
I am
I was
I will be
Because I'm not apart
Just a part
Of something
Monday 16th December 2019 3:11 pm
Outside of Herself
"Find yourself"
You can misplace your mind
You can't forfeit your mind
When you've built a fort for your mind
Mine is bulletproof,
In here
I can stay outside of myself
I can step outside of the world
I watched us having a conversation
From my window panes
Through the heavy glaze
It made me feel some type...
Sunday 1st December 2019 12:56 pm
Trapped in an industrial freezer
the shelves announce no room for me here.
As the walls start to cave in,
the fear and numbness begin.
Crys only heard among these four walls
searching for escape before the night falls.
Piles of ice scrape to the floor
no longer the nails that have been there before
banged and bruised, knees ever so sore.
Soles that I walk, no longer bar...
Saturday 7th September 2019 6:04 am
White noise
White noise is the cloak my mind wears
to protect me from its darkness.
I'm always elsewhere,
In a place of emptiness.
Tuesday 25th June 2019 3:23 pm
Waking up
I’m wrapped in cling film I’m sure of it:
(unlike sensation)
paralysed and mute, I feel it;
the temptation
Monday 24th June 2019 2:27 pm
Into the Woods
We were lame and we were young,
Walking in the woods,
While singing our song,
Never in my dreams, felt anything wrong,
Thought you were always coming along,
Do not remember where exactly I lost you,
My eyes searched for you in heavy fog,
I continued my journey amidst the rocks,
Shivered through-out the night,
Darkness was blocking my sight,
Always thought that you wer...
Thursday 24th January 2019 5:56 am
I'm sitting here, trapped, frozen in time
Head imploding, finally losing my mind
Nowhere to run, bound and confined
To the prison within, my unconscious mind.
Tuesday 19th June 2018 9:48 pm
Tiny Round Friends.
It's been a while since I've written
It may be 'cause it's been a while
Since I've really felt anything at all
One little white pill
"It'll take all the pain away"
But the dealer never told me
My new friend was here to stay
So before you say yes
There's something I need to say
You'll lie awake wishing for pain
At least then you'll feel something
But it'll never fucking come
Wednesday 10th January 2018 2:16 pm
At first love was a pump, a needle,
Eyes wide when your high
...Or see someone you like.
Stifled, we always rivalled
Till no more, the beat became sore
And we spiralled, overdosed,
Hot headed, cold blooded.
Passion became blown out,
The anticlimax of a candle...
Like the heroin ran through her heart,
Like the cocaine contorted her chest,
Like the salvia had shaken ...
Tuesday 20th September 2016 5:18 pm
I’ve got amnesia and I don’t know where I am. It came down upon me
and I’ve become so confused – can’t you help me to find my mind?
Am I alone in my own helpless world with watery images blurring my
consciousness forever?
I feel a soggy mess, my limbs weighing me down, unable to do anything.
I just sit here numb to the world wondering when Ill be p...
Monday 19th September 2011 5:41 pm
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