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Let the wolves run
Let the wolves run
I run faster
Let the wolves runÂ
I am stronger
Sure of myselfÂ
I flex the muscles of my mind
No need to hide
I expel hexes in one breath,
You may not enter
Nor commit the theftÂ
Of my soul
You are uninvitedÂ
Release the hatred from your heart
Vengeance is a waste of energy
To be enlightened is to be smartÂ
And rise above, rise!
I a...
Saturday 10th February 2024 7:39 pm
Wrestled to girl
I wrestled you down
Into woman
I grew your thoughts for you
Lifeless of the party
You vacuum expression
And drain me,
I gave you emotions
Give me energy
Any kind just give
Give and giveÂ
I must drink
Always thirsty am I
But I drink for you
So whatâs this lull in your throat
Dip in your tone
You ...
Friday 13th October 2023 4:26 pm
Wounds of liberation
Imagine being totally untethered
After feeling chain linkedÂ
I feel split
That part removedÂ
That half is trying to renew
But it hurtsÂ
To grow scab over woundÂ
Missing you is mourning youÂ
Leaving you is still losing you
And Iâm just as lost
As I made youÂ
If it could beÂ
I would make it beÂ
Should I be chain linked againÂ
I would make it goodÂ
Should ...
Monday 27th March 2023 3:24 pm
We go through life trying to fulfill
By feeling full
Itâs easy to live in comfort and abundance
But maybe you drown,
Donât live
And you just exist
Strip away luxuryâŠ
Could you be with just yourself,
And basic needs?
With only your thoughts for company?
Because we go through life trying to fulfill
By feeling full
We consume with our mouths
Pack, squeeze, cram...
Monday 6th February 2023 11:34 pm
Youâre right
3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens
Now I wonder whether theyâre angels
Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds
Now I write their songs
I tweet along
Everything I did, I did do
It still was
Even if it no longer is
Whatever I am
I still am what I was
Even if I no longer am
Youâre right
I was right and now Iâm left
But the person I was hasn...
Tuesday 1st February 2022 11:42 am
In Waves
That phrase,
That phrase you love to say
It has become overdone, cliché
No, itâs not a phase
Years, not days
And see
I will not change
Not this way or that way
Though I may grow,
I may expand in waves,
I will not change
To fit your phrase
I will only expand,
Expand in waves
Is that okay?
That I will stay?
That I wonât change?
That I can only expand,
Expand in waves?
Is th...
Wednesday 23rd September 2020 3:06 pm
As I Continue
I'm not weak
I can't accept defeat
Its like a foreign language to me
Stand up strong
Tall and face them all
Defy gravity
Never a victim of depravity
Your smirks
Your sneers
Pssh all I hear are cheers
Moving along
Like a song
A step at a time
Never out of line
Just ebbing with the flow
As I continue to grow.
Sunday 25th October 2015 2:23 am
Spring Tanka
A winter bite that
mocks the spring, pincers its cocoon.
A life supported?
Cease one's internal decay,
Even ice melts. Love's fluidity.
Thursday 11th April 2013 6:14 pm
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