fight (Remove filter)
When delusion wears of
and finally
you see
what u didn’t want to
for so long
that this person
isn’t the person
saving you
loving you
the only person
able to do that
is you
Tuesday 20th August 2024 4:41 pm
Let the wolves run
Let the wolves run
I run faster
Let the wolves run
I am stronger
Sure of myself
I flex the muscles of my mind
No need to hide
I expel hexes in one breath,
You may not enter
Nor commit the theft
Of my soul
You are uninvited
Release the hatred from your heart
Vengeance is a waste of energy
To be enlightened is to be smart
And rise above, rise!
I a...
Saturday 10th February 2024 7:39 pm
Wrestled to girl
I wrestled you down
Into woman
I grew your thoughts for you
Lifeless of the party
You vacuum expression
And drain me,
I gave you emotions
Give me energy
Any kind just give
Give and give
I must drink
Always thirsty am I
But I drink for you
So what’s this lull in your throat
Dip in your tone
You ...
Friday 13th October 2023 4:26 pm
once stood a great warrior
of malice and pride
with no battle too bloody
for his hungering eyes
his blade, sharp and stained
stood tall at his side
left in its wake
only dead men would lie
then, in the distance
that red, setting sun
gave a glimpse to the man
of the deeds he had done
the crimson and black
was all he could see
he saw not the...
Monday 24th July 2023 9:26 am
Kick Off!
If poetry be the food of love, write on!
If it be food for freedom, then kick off!
If you care aught for poetry Write Out Loud!
If you care aught for love then stay not quiet!
If you care aught for freedom, then kick off!
If you will fight with me then you are on!
Monday 12th June 2023 1:37 pm
Attack the darkness, attack the fear
Allow goodness to grow
The mind to clear
Attack the emptiness, let the embers glow
Bring faith to the fore, it’s time for us to show
Show that we’re willing to stand up tall
Show that we’ll try even if we fall
Fall for a cause not by the wayside
Time to run, to charge at the fear
To know we’ve lived life to its cinder
Tuesday 5th July 2022 9:11 pm
I want to distant you!
I want to distant you.
It's not because of you but because of me.
I think what's between us is not meant to be.
I don't want our friendship to break into a fight.
So it's better to distant, at least for a while.
It's not easy but I have to,
if not for me then at least for you.
what I am is something you'll not understand.
For it, you don't even have to pretend.
...Friday 14th May 2021 4:40 am
I thought, You had a crush!
Remember? the first day when you saw me,
I felt you have a crush.
That was the biggest problem to be,
since I took it for a rush.
Our eyes used to meet,
and you pretended to be sweet.
I used to show you as a creep,
that was my way to prevent being a freak.
You used to take a cycle,
I used to take a walk.
Maybe you never felt,
but I tried to have a tal...
Wednesday 12th May 2021 3:56 am
Senshi (戦士)
My love is a two-edged weapon, wielded by insecurity and strikes with fear.
Akin to Pandora’s pithos, it remained concealed; destruction would only come of openly sharing it to the outside world.
My heart is shielded, once scarred by mistrust, now a lone vessel playing a broken melody looped:
Just as soldiers march through wet trenches in p...
Tuesday 16th February 2021 1:15 pm
A fight to survive
Seeing the beautiful sky,
From my dead eyes.
Wondering the beauty in the holy night,
Dark was the only colour which helps me to hide.
Hiding my sadness my sorrows my fear my cries,
Trying my best to keep the face with smile.
My hobbies,my joy, my emotions were becoming day by day a bit fewer,
Now I am just existing in the world, can't even face myself in the mirror.
Monday 7th September 2020 6:58 pm
Cancer ©
Cancer you came into our lives once before when you took my grandfather to his final resting place,
We only had a short time to spend with him, and it was hard to look him in his face,
My mama used to cry a lot; regrets, fears, and meaningful words, how hard it was for her to comprehend,
All she wanted was a few more years, without the hurt, pain, and overflow of tears,
The family ...
Tuesday 18th August 2020 10:48 pm
I can’t see
But I can dream
It’s like wearing a blindfold
On my brown eyes
I can’t watch, but I can feel
All these weird wild vibes
All these angelic faces around me
But those diabolic souls surround me
Are they real or are they fake?
It’s like watching a blue snowflake
Falling for smiles and grace
All night murdering for a race
I can’t wait
Saturday 1st August 2020 12:02 pm
To Try Is Human, To Strive, Divine
Sweet summer sunshine
And her warm embrace,
Her radiance, as pale as egg-whites,
Veils her face.
She shies away from you and I
Behind the soufflé of clouds,
Mighty and high,
Far, far away from the mortal crowd.
Or perhaps she's afraid
Of the power we hold
To birth, sunder and devastate
Those shaped from the same dough.
Fragile feeble fingers...
Thursday 18th June 2020 7:24 am
The Next War Is Here
The Next War Is Here
Out there, we walked quite friendly up to death,
Sat down and ate beside him, cool and bland,
Asked of his health and shook him by the hand.
Recoiled in horror at his fetid breath.
Before the world went crazy, he was there,
We treated him as though he was a fly
Who we could swat away - and never die.
We were invincible, without a care.
Now ...
Wednesday 8th April 2020 12:47 pm
Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...
Sunday 15th March 2020 6:12 pm
Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...
Sunday 15th March 2020 6:12 pm
Scream and fight,
oh little mind.
An endless battle
between you two
Always more than one,
never black and white
so you always fight.
Heart for love and lies.
Brain for truth and pain.
Listen to me I'm struggling!
Both of you take too much,
I can't keep up.
Fight for me and not with each other.
Fight for us and not some lover.
We need eachoth...
Thursday 20th February 2020 12:41 pm
Warrior of God
"God, God!" I yelled and cried.
God why have you abandoned me.
I drank to see if the pain would go away.
"God!," I said I still feel hurt
I still feel pain!
Then I finally gave up and cried for days and saw nothing but darkness
Then a voice came and said, " Get up, don't give up, put on your shield, put on your armour!"
The voice was mad the voice was hurt the voice was comman...
Tuesday 28th January 2020 9:56 pm
First Fight
There were tears
Rolling down my face.
I never was a pretty crier,
So I looked away.
Heard your voice
Over my heavy breathing,
Crying harder when you said
You weren't leaving.
I hold tight to everything;
Knuckles white from my grip.
If I let go, even a little,
My whole world could slip.
I've been afraid, though,
To hold onto you.
My heart ga...
Tuesday 17th April 2018 5:17 am
In three months’ time it will happen
The World Cup battleground
Taking place in Putin’s Neo Soviet Russia
England’s finest hooligans will meet
The paramilitary trained enemy Ultras
Who are pumped up steroid pimps
Wearing Sports Direct trashy gear
They claim there’ll be many dead Brits
My bet is on a few dead Russkis too
Bring it all on for this is the natural ord...
Wednesday 4th April 2018 6:10 am
She Said.
Boy just take it easy
Boy just take it slow
Please don't give up now
You have so much further to go
Put that gun down boy
Step away from the ledge
All the demons your fighting
Don't have to stay in your head
Let me help you boy
Let me be your light
You and I together boy
We'll give 'em a hell of a fight
This is it boy
It's time for war
With me by your side
It'll be easier than...
Thursday 15th February 2018 1:41 pm
Three Nocturnes
Three Nocturnes
While poring over dusty corners of an ancient night
I sang in darken'd evening flight, a voice edged
by the pain of doubt, a tempered blade to fight
an inner shout; the fearful dredge
of insomnia, the purgatory of my silent gaze;
remembrance too of sultry Australian dog days.
South-West karris loom ink-black, and rustle
as night-walkers, stepp...
Friday 27th October 2017 12:55 pm
Like traveling through quicksand
Slow and dirty
If you stop, even if only for a moment
You start sinking
There is no letting go or going back
So, you must keep going
To trudge on no matter what
No matter how deep you sink
How filthy or tired you get
To fight on through the grit and grime
To scream and curse
And claw your way from the depths
To stumble on until y...
Sunday 19th June 2016 2:01 pm
Mini gun
For me there could only be one
The beautiful Dillon mini-gun
Can shoot 6000 rounds per minute
Damage really has no limit
Six beautiful long barrels
Turning anything into particles
Shear violence is the purpose
Say goodbye to the calmness
Mechanical sound is glorious
Spinning more just for badness
There is nothing that is indestructible
So big and yet beau...
Tuesday 14th July 2015 5:27 pm
Who Am I?
I am noise and thought,
I am not who I ought.
I am freedom,
I am fight,
I am the smallest glimpse of starlight,
In the deepest, darkest, stormy night.
Because of fear,
I am,
In spite of fear,
I thrive,
The death of hate and ignorance,
Is what keeps me alive.
I speak for the minority,
A voice for words feared spoken.
With ink and web,
My words are spread,
And your weak bullets are b...
Monday 12th January 2015 3:58 pm
Living the Eternity
You walk
You stand
You speak
Then you are quiet
You love
You hate
You fight
You make peace
You cry
You laugh
You live
You die
And you live again
You inhale so many lifetimes,
Your home is the universe,
Your time is eternity.
Words you speak are never silent,
Deeds of yours are never unseen,
Steps you take never fade,
Emotions you share always felt.
We often ask the questi...
Wednesday 1st October 2014 11:49 pm
There was a fight down at the beach today
Much to my horror and surprise
A large crowd stood there watching it
I could not believe my eyes
I saw a man who had a stick
Proceed to beat his wife
Blow on blow and on her head
To an inch within her life
The frenzied crowd just screamed for more
With a loud and raucous din
I got there as the Police turned up
Friday 1st August 2014 9:19 pm
The lady was a goddess in her looks and demeanor. Very beautiful in every way. From the way she swayed her hips to her seductive smile to fluttering her eyelids. It was what wasn’t said that got men’s attention but the hidden and unseen, images placed in their minds eye. Only one man was lucky to own her heart. For a long time they were happy. Then he fucked it up big time. They ha...
Saturday 22nd June 2013 4:03 pm
revolution runs better on stolen gasoline
every curtain will be stolen from
each grain of dirt will raise
it’s raucous voice above
and over manners
while atoms bond
air will ignite for
blood is fuel enough
as gravity exists
believable in it’s force
secure each ideal
under fire from
truthful lies repeated
within freedom’s
monopoly of slaves
these d...
Saturday 30th March 2013 4:30 pm
So now you came up after calling and texting me,
almost begging me to be your friend.
We talk at my door for half an hour,
then I feel compassion and let you in.
You regret being silly and I do being nasty,
tell me how did it come to all this?
We manage to sort this madness out and become friends.
Is this what happens when we break up,
Saturday 8th October 2011 8:34 pm
The Goddess of war makes her stand in the upper skies,
pitting man and machine in deadly battle.
Hazy colours of blue and grey make way for burning
fire and pyres of smoke.
Up here she knows no mercy as men die
in a second to please her lust for death.
No one can beat her as she is immortal and ubiquitous.
Make just one mistake and she’ll ...
Tuesday 4th October 2011 6:08 pm
Every generation has its own hard men
who rule the block, kick the new kids ass’s.
Who rule every bar, don’t take no for an answer,
are not to be messed with and demand respect.
They use the weapons of their trade, knives,
brass knuckles, guns, bats and more.
Take them away and their fists are a back up,
sure fire way of defence, offence.
Thursday 29th September 2011 3:17 pm
Terminal Velocity
Drenched in heavy morning rain
Like an arctic soaking to the vein;
I just sat there stunned and wordless,
by the results of endless tests.
Only do I seek the scoffer's sympathy;
my litanies dot the bottom of this timpani.
No restaurant on high street offers...
Whoa! I found where my sanity rests:
A very com...
Monday 20th December 2010 9:51 am
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