The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Freedomfighters (Remove filter)


Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...

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bonny and ClydebordersescapefightFreedomfighterslet's do itroad moviesexy


Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...

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Freedomfightersescapefightsexyroad moviebonny and Clydelet's do itborders

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