The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Let the wolves run

Let the wolves run

I run faster

Let the wolves run 

I am stronger

Sure of myself 

I flex the muscles of my mind

No need to hide

I expel hexes in one breath,

You may not enter

Nor commit the theft 

Of my soul

You are uninvited 

Release the hatred from your heart

Vengeance is a waste of energy

To be enlightened is to be smart 

And rise above, rise!

I am strong 

Spirit and stem 

Let the wolves run 

I’ll run with them 


Vengeancehateenergycleansepurifyspiritualexpelhexfreespiritsoulmindbodyfreedommeditationgrowdevelopstrengthbelieffaithself beliefsense of selfprotectioncursefightdefeatblack magicpredatorwolves

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 11th Feb 2024 13:32

I admire the energy of this poem, Alexandra. It has a sharpness which I enjoyed.

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 11th Feb 2024 00:09

Interesting how you have used wolves as the medium here. This appears to be a change in direction. An altogether offensive tack. A far more concise approach which I both like and am wary of.
Thank you for posting again.

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