doubt (Remove filter)
The Ceiling And The Sky
In my innocence I was brave...
And knew no fear,
No boundaries, no limits, no doubts,
Unable to imagine my spirit contained.
The sky was open...
Then came that ceiling,
That flattened the top of my head,
And crowded my dreams with fear.
The ceiling was clear...
You could see right through,
Unwaivering and unmovable it sat,
Intending to crush my dreams, so...
Wednesday 27th November 2024 9:51 pm
Fragments of a Time That Dissolves
The silence spreads like mist
over the field that no longer exists.
The earth no longer feels the footsteps,
doesn’t remember the bodies that passed through.
The wind, a distant whisper,
carries unspoken words
and stories lost before they are told.
There is a place where time gives up
on being continuous and dissolves
into fragments of light and shadow.
Nothing is whole,
Monday 25th November 2024 5:32 am
Losing It
after Yehuda Amichai
If we think we are right
the sun may never set;
if we know we are right
then beasts could take our place;
if we say we are right
the towers will always fall;
and if, after all
after all we've
thought, known, said
and done
we're wrong -
who will stop us
when the time to make peace
has come?
Saturday 1st June 2024 11:40 am
Rhetorical questions
What were you thinking
dear mind?, she asked
was it shattered ego, or dissapointment?
regret or sadness?
or simply emptiness?
What were you feeling
dear heart?, she asked
when you pushed a droplet
of tart moisture
fall from the edge of the eye
when you saw the happy bride?
she asked.
Tuesday 1st November 2022 8:03 am
This is our mountain
If you and me
Are meant to be
We’ll make it to the top
Cuz way up there
In clearer air
We can reflect on what we’ve got
But the path we climb ain’t easy
There are things that stand in our way
Believe in what we’re achieving
And we’ll reach the top someday
We’re on our way
This is our mountain, this our journey
No-one knows the end
Reach for the summit, on the horizon
When life s...
Monday 27th July 2020 3:31 am
The beach isn't a beach
if it sans the sea
Just a random strip of sand
scorching, dry
on a hot summer day
The night doesn't fall
till the sun goes away
paving way
for it to dazzle
in its own way
Am I the night
that needs the sun
to dissappear,
to mark my presence
or simply the beach
which will be nothing without the sea?
Monday 10th February 2020 11:13 am
Arrive Alive
Road crashes are every minute
Here and there, in every point
More than a million killed a year
And speed is death, no doubt
“Drive Safely” is only choice
ٍSafety belt, has no "price"
Come back safe for the family
We live "once", not twice
Road is not real excuse
But the behavior is a main cause
For crashes all over that world
No more anger .. no abuse
Friday 5th April 2019 9:08 pm
What if I fail
What if everything that I hope to accomplish
Becomes reality
What if I really be on mtv
Would that change a “U don’t mean shit to me”
To you mean the most to me
Let me stop
Let me pause
I never did good
So I never got a round of applause
Always found myself behind bars
For not following the laws
It seems crazy I always wanted...
Thursday 31st May 2018 3:12 am
Three Nocturnes
Three Nocturnes
While poring over dusty corners of an ancient night
I sang in darken'd evening flight, a voice edged
by the pain of doubt, a tempered blade to fight
an inner shout; the fearful dredge
of insomnia, the purgatory of my silent gaze;
remembrance too of sultry Australian dog days.
South-West karris loom ink-black, and rustle
as night-walkers, stepp...
Friday 27th October 2017 12:55 pm
a toast to the afterlife
here’s to the afterlife —
what fate does the day after The Last Day hold?
doubt ,
doubt consumes man’s faith .
down into the depths of the pit
my mind descends ,
down to the caverns ,
the walls closing in .
the light dwindles ,
crushed under the weight of this apparent reality .
hopeless and helpless ,
lonely and tired .
beaten down by the endless sorrow .
Wednesday 11th October 2017 11:45 pm
am i selfish?
Note: there is some strong language in this. it's not too bad. it's not too excessive, either. one word in here twice, i think. and if you're wondering, yes, the colors mean something. and yes, im genuinely asking a question to you, the reader. and to the person this is about. but i pray he never reads or finds this. anyway, enjoy.
Am I selfish for wanting another hug?
I handed you the...
Sunday 23rd April 2017 4:54 pm
The music begins again.
You wallflowers who came
with the dance in mind
and empty hands to hold—
skulking along the fringe,
afraid to join in,
but more afraid to leave.
She comes.
You wither at her gaze,
hoping, not hoping
she is looking at you;
Would it mean more?
A joke, a fluke, a trick,
or perhaps a friend—
If you don’t see
will she leave?
Wallflower dancer
shaking and jiv...
Sunday 15th January 2017 2:52 pm
Though I am surrounded
I am the loneliest person
Though I am celebrated
I am forever losing
Though I am revered
I am despised in one's eyes
Though I am loved
I am hated, truly hated
Though I walk with many
I am the lone walker
Though I hear your sincerity
I am deafened by self pity
Wednesday 27th May 2015 7:35 pm
Monday 11th August 2014 10:55 pm
the red regret of Thomas
the red regret of Thomas
my fingers drip crimson apologies
but now it’s far too late
I wanted to feel the red in you
to let the steaming coils
wrap themselves around my disbelief
so when you offered your wounds
I was cautious at first
but needed to satisfy fears
apprehension turned
to blood lust
even as the sticky mess of truth
congealed upon my skin
tears dribbled down my ...
Monday 24th March 2014 6:48 pm
Tipping Point
This is not a begging letter, this is not a plea for validation or soothing words. This is a statement of fact. When I still owned musical instruments and could play a note or too I found it difficult to control. I wanted it to be all encompassing, my raison d'être. In 1999 I realised that I was kidding myself, I was just too ordinary, and that such desire was both unhealthy and damaging and co...
Tuesday 20th August 2013 12:11 pm
innards laid out, divined,
bloodless cold tripe
that cast insight on the plight of
these maladroit
broadcasts naught
but considered shite
a drama of the here and now
in as many acts
as you can swallow
just breathless gasping
in the vacuum-packed plastic
of this necrotic head
that tonight bleeds a deviant intramural
spring wash along...
Saturday 9th March 2013 10:29 pm
The Communications Trilogy Pt:3 Telephone
Hello friends
It's been a long time coming but Pt:3 of The Communications Trilogy is finally upon us. This time concentrating on the dreaded audio device of menace, the telephone.
I've been fairly productive recently so I will be uploading a couple more Poems in quick succession, please take the time to have a look and as always feedback is welcomed.
Tuesday 14th August 2012 1:06 pm
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