The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Fear (Remove filter)

The Hollowing

No banners wave, no boots in line, No marching columns lock in time. Yet something shifts, a silent crack, The ground gives way—we can't turn back. He rules not as the past has shown, No iron grip, no brutal throne. But whims unleashed, all rules declined, A lawless world, a fractured mind. The courts still stand, their robes still flow, Yet power twists, the cracks still grow. A w...

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The Trump Express: Engine of Havoc!

This sonnet wants to capture the chaotic and relentless force of Trump’s ambitions—an unstoppable train of greed, power, and imperialism, barreling through the world, leaving disruption and destruction in its wake.

The world is battered, torn beneath his wheels,
A runaway of greed and steel and spite.
A thousand schemes, each twisting as it steals,
Devour the day and drown the dead of nig...

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Trumppoliticsdictatorshipfeardestructiondisruptiontyrannygreedcorruptionglobal crisis

The cake

Once upon a time, there was a cake that was not just a cake
It was the cocoa powder, dark and bitter earth
that once was seed, fruit, promise
It was the butter, golden fat, almost alive
melting under touch, like fear or desire
It was the sugar, sweet and cruel
dissolving into itself
like memories that refuse to be remembered

The eggs are cracked, fragile shells of worlds
and from them f...

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The Pragmatist's Paradox: Trump Through Machiavelli's Lens

Donald Trump’s political persona is viewed through the lens of Niccolò Machiavelli’s 12 principles from The Prince. It delves into Trump’s use of manipulation, adaptability, and perception to solidify his power, aligning with Machiavelli’s emphasis on the importance of cunning and seizing opportunities. While Trump exemplifies the Machiavellian "new prince" who rises through personal success rathe...

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TrumpMachiavelliThe Princepolitical powerperceptionfearadvisorsadaptabilitymanipulationleadershippolitical instabilitymilitary strengthpopulismpersonal success

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