The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Planning away, sometimes all day

Words on a page, moulding like clay

Toward your interest, "I'll engage" you say

I should of known it would go this way


Travelled around all week through

Sometimes I'm spinning and I don't see you

Learnng the lines of a script I have written

Walking the mile but somewhere you're hidden


Delivering is easy when you've got the tools


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Teachertutorschooleducationlessonyoung peoplechildrenmental health


I'm qualified and ready

to teach you nice and steady

Music is the session

It's yours with no pretention


Bespoke, tailored and informed

By experts, assesments and the sought

I'm even trained in Vdt MOCA

So there's enough in my locker


Yet I'm met with refusal, indignance and betrayal

How on earth could I fail?
Your engagement is essential

To know if I'm succe...

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Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong

A teacher....

Teach your students colors,shapes, letters, numbers, teach them about life, and now keep them safe from guns

Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong, remember you are a teacher

Teach your students to not be afraid, yet in your heart you know the world is again...

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teachermass shootingschildrenloveeducationtearssadnesshopeteachhoplessnesssafeemotionsstudents


Higher power protect me from they who have false visions
Help me guide them to make right decisions
Help them see the good in me
Open their eyes and help them see
Lord I'm trying to give them my gift
And when they are low their spirits I'll lift
Annoint my beloved and help him to trust
and free his tarnished mind from lust
For all of my intentions are pure
Void out indecisive guide him be...

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LightprophecyteacherpreacherExperiencing God

ain't ain't a word


ain’t ain’t a word


boy told daddy

teacher said

there ain’t no such word

as ain’t


daddy just

looked at him

told him to

tell the teacher

the word was used

by this family

a long time before

the teacher was born and

will be used long after

she has gone.


             boy thought to himself

 I ain’t going to tell her


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The Poetry King

A bow to The Poetry King,
who thinks he doesn't 
mean a thing 
in the grand scheme.

Wears his heart 
on stained sleeve,
makes paupers feel
like royalty.

Waxes poetic about 
life, love, and history
that would otherwise remain 
unsolved mysteries.

More than just a dream,
The Poetry King
lives eternally,
in you and me.

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"Devoir anglais"

Preamble: I'm an English as second language teacher in Higher Education. In this current period of more-than-doubled workload due to the hurried and inexpert transition to distance learning, this poem was prompted by one unnamed submitted file too many...

Dear student,

You are unique.

You’re the only you in the world. It’s true,

So I understand for you, ...

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The Teacher

We all had teachers we


In my day hair and ears got tugged

Chalk thrown with intent but

Teachers are not meant to be


There's a new teacher in class

He doesn't shout

Or impose detentions or

Send you to the headmaster, he's

Even scarier than old Mr Walsh (and

He was a terror),


Knocking sense into us

Day by day with

Facts and figur...

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From A to Z,

And from zero to infinity.

You feed me with education everyday.

Holding my hands,

You guide me to get my hands,

On my handwriting copy tracks.


Singing the rhymes together,

I start to open my mouth

With you, Teacher.


By your class and homeworks,

And checking them with red pen.

You edited my mistakes.

Your stick and sit-ups,

I loathe, but...

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educationlove towards teacherParentsTeacherteacher poemswho is teacher

No one hears

Though they are mine

I have no wisdom

Though they know me

They are deaf


                In their mind

I am a man apart

I am all that is left

I am the helix of their birth and death and being

                Knowing one, I know all

I am a voice

I seek nothing I seek peace

I hear all and I reflect

I see words and I grieve

I sense pain and I weep

I feel ...

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The Exam

It's silent.
Just the cogs turning,
They look so puzzled.
Why didn't they study?
Why did they mess around?
Why didn't they care?

They're disaffected. 
They hate it all. 
Why didn't teachers care?
Why did schools mistreat them?
Why should they really care?

It is silent.
One clearly tries,
Success is what he needs. 
What has changed this year?
Why has he done so well? 
Why now be...

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am i selfish?

Note: there is some strong language in this. it's not too bad. it's not too excessive, either. one word in here twice, i think. and if you're wondering, yes, the colors mean something. and yes, im genuinely asking a question to you, the reader. and to the person this is about. but i pray he never reads or finds this. anyway, enjoy.


Am I selfish for wanting another hug? 

I handed you the...

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bad friendsbad poetrycolorsdepressiondoubtfatherhigh schoolhopeinsecuritieslovemotherneednightmaresplatonic lovesadschoolsuicidesuicide note?supportteacherwant

will blue turn into purple?

You were wearing purple today. Purple is going to be ×××'s color now. But blue has always been mine. That's how I knew I was ready to give you that letter. You were wearing my color...

Your eyes were a brighter blue today. After you came in from having a cigarette, you walked past me, then paused. Coffee and tobacco smoke. That's what you smelled like. That's my smell now.

"Just under a minu...

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adoptionBad poetrybluefatherhigh schoolhopei need youloveneedplatonic lovepurpleschoolteacherwantweird

You're My Man

O! Tell me again my teacher
hungrily, I listen to your story
ravenous, by candlelight 
call it out in a sooty street

Make your incisions with deep insight
the surgeon stillness of those deft hands
wisdoms draped in laurel leaves
infinite movement, sweet inertia

Shower me, my master
my naivety gladly surrenders
in the wake of your delivery
O Len, sing for me
some story I can dismant...

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heroleonard cohenteacher

A lesson that I Taught



I Teach!!

I taught...

Here's a lesson that I taught...

I had this lesson. It were ace in my mind!

The planning was tight, concise, well timed


Going into the room - my stage

Put on the teacher face, the act

(My phone is buzzing but I don't react)


Lights, camera, action! You're on!


"Hi guys! Come in, unpack your things!"


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educationteachingstudentteacherfunnyCutting edgy swearing

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