You're My Man
O! Tell me again my teacher
hungrily, I listen to your story
ravenous, by candlelight
call it out in a sooty street
Make your incisions with deep insight
the surgeon stillness of those deft hands
wisdoms draped in laurel leaves
infinite movement, sweet inertia
Shower me, my master
my naivety gladly surrenders
in the wake of your delivery
O Len, sing for me
some story I can dismantle
and in rough thievery
give birth to my own interpretation
Wicker throne; some Grecian harbour
fountain pen refilling
I sip wine imagining your women
one; she comes along
with askance eyes pouring over
the limits of my thin body
whispers 'touch me with your intellect'
and I shiver, stark in its absence
O, it's the little things
the nuanced way you speak it out
the details and the clarity
the hilarious obfuscation
that galling crystal ball
I could never reach you
I'd be waving, I'd be waiting
breathing my vanilla thoughts
to no one but my drunk self
singular, at the bar
praying to you...
Spin me a yarn
turn on the table
sing for me
O Leonard, you're my man...
(May 2014)
Hazel ettridge
Sat 7th Jan 2017 08:31
Yes, he does that to you doesn't he? No-one else like him. Touches the deepest places. Lovel the way you captured him.