media (Remove filter)
do not be disheartened.
do not be disheartened
from the powers that be
they shape our media,
close our borders,
delegitimise our freedom,
emasculate our men,
oppress our women,
suppress queer identity,
profile non-white skin.
they take our taxes,
pay their bankers bonuses,
privatise and pollute our water,
shape our education,
control our minds,
continue colonial wars.
they steal oil and gas from the ...
Saturday 25th January 2025 1:23 pm
The Weight of Negativity
The Weight of Negativity unveils the profound psychological truths behind humanity's bias towards negative experiences, thoughts, and impressions. Rooted in evolutionary survival mechanisms, this piece hopefully explores how our minds magnify fears, criticism, and catastrophes while overshadowing acts of kindness, peace, and progress. By dissecting the "negativity effect," the work tries to offer ...
Wednesday 8th January 2025 8:38 am
love-hate relationship
obsession …
— envy us
in the way they stay upsetting
you’re setting yourself up for failure
possible optimism
two glasses
my other, half
fully blurry vision
they’re prescription
usually she has to squint
and hadn’t felt the planets tilt till now
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:56 pm
Lee Dixon’s Cliche Cabinet
When Lee Dixon opens his cliche cabinet,
We’re havin' it.
It was a game of two halves
The lad’s put in a shift
You couldn’t write this script, that’s a gift
Get in there my son, go on my boy
The phrases flow, sucked of joy
He pulls rabbits from hats
With consummate ease
He’s a mangled mouthed magician
Can’t you see?
His left foot’s just for standing ...
Wednesday 10th July 2024 11:07 am
Stay home
I hear there's a festival outside,
Laughing, joking, jostling and frolicking,
But I'm OK, I'll stay inside.
I heard they've brought Freddie back live on stage,
To rock and roll, it's all the rage,
But I'm OK, I'll read about it sometime.
I hear world peace has broken out finally,
Dancing and singing wildly
But I'm OK, I'll Youtube it later
I hear it's that...
Monday 10th June 2024 10:47 am
We go through life trying to fulfill
By feeling full
It’s easy to live in comfort and abundance
But maybe you drown,
Don’t live
And you just exist
Strip away luxury…
Could you be with just yourself,
And basic needs?
With only your thoughts for company?
Because we go through life trying to fulfill
By feeling full
We consume with our mouths
Pack, squeeze, cram...
Monday 6th February 2023 11:34 pm
Monday in Tier 4, New Year Jan 4
Facebook is full of futility;
pandemic emotional ping pong
vapid mini Directors spouting “truth”
proving a point to the other side
The class divide is dividing us,
fuelled by media-driven Morgans
who needs to create division to thrive
pointless pricks with absent minds
Propaganda piloted, spoon-feeding
Humans walk past Joe the homeless,
humming on their way into work
happily stil...
Monday 4th January 2021 7:51 am
The "Corona" Special
So we all know this is bullshit, this thing called Corona Virus,
My friends and I don't wear masks and now people won't stand beside us,
Damn it's crazy that people still watch the news,
All they do is lie and it's owned by the Jews,
That doesn't make me a racist so please just relax,
Just look up the definitions and make sure you know your facts,
Can't you see this virus is one ...
Saturday 9th May 2020 11:12 am
MEDIA INFORMATION: Beyond The Storm Poetry Competition in support of NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Urgent Appeal
The following information is provided as supporting details for any articles, blogs and associated content that may be produced in support of The Big Write Out Loud Poetry Competition: Beyond The Storm.
'Beyond The Storm - The Write Out Loud poetry competition' in aid of the NHS Charities’ Covid-19 appeal 7th May – 8th August Theme is ‘Beyond The Storm’ An on-line poet...
Sunday 3rd May 2020 11:01 am
Here is the News
We take your faces to paper our walls.
We take your stories to hang in our halls.
We are the presenters, presenting the truth.
Believe us or not, it's up to you.
But most do.
We take your thoughts and turn them around.
We tell you which investments are sound.
We are the impartial in-telly-gents.
Believe us or not, it's up to you.
But most do.
Tuesday 21st May 2019 8:39 pm
Pretty Girls and Serial Killers
So Hold That Hit As Though It’s Your Last. L
Said That Song Sounds Like Suicidal Pop. O
Filled With Pointless Answers. V
A Cynical Crease In Cancer. E
If It Breaths, Kill It. H
If It Breaks, Save It. A
If I Write, Do They Hide? T
Or Melt Away Into Ebon Night? E
Always A Lesson To Learn. S
For Even The Cold Can Burn. E
A Sequel For Death Is Cumming Next. X
But It’s For A Lack, Uninspir...
Friday 17th May 2019 4:19 pm
Social media
Login and share your life upload pics of your husband or wife Share your kids with an unknown stranger putting yourself and them in danger. update your status and press post Show them off and boast. You need those likes otherwise what's the point? Sit back and roll a joint. it's sad that you feel the need to compete with your own friends who'm you deceit. A generation full of narcisists who know n...
Thursday 15th February 2018 12:06 am
Some thoughts on body shaming of Olympic athletes - the most ridiculous nonsense I have heard!
Thursday 11th August 2016 9:55 am
mild frenzy
they lined up
in their smart suits and executive hair
outside the foundation stone
of a nations ruin ready to eulogise
to heap praise upon a legacy
of division
the traffic slowed
and the tempers frayed in a burg
where there is never enough
most had left by 8PM
save one expecting maybe
a ghost?
returning at the earliest light
most h...
Tuesday 9th April 2013 3:28 pm
Social Media
Press the button, take the picture, put it in an album
Cut it, file it, edit the picture, post it online
Electronic images made for you
Pictures made for me
Blog it, post it, make it on line
Let us see it live
Instant one click online viewing
Upload, download, overload
Information all around, save it in a folder
Load the picture, load ...
Sunday 4th November 2012 2:18 am
The Communications Trilogy Pt:1 Television
Hi everybody
So I have written a trilogy of poems based on the subject of communication. I have rather inventively decided to call them The Communications Trilogy.
The first on the Trilogy is Television, whilst I am someone who is generally pessimistic about the media and government and don't really believe a word of what we are told, I do suffer from a subconscious paranoia. Beaten i...
Wednesday 27th June 2012 1:06 pm
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