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Stay home

I hear there's a festival outside,

Laughing, joking, jostling and frolicking,

But I'm OK, I'll stay inside.


I heard they've brought Freddie back live on stage,

To rock and roll, it's all the rage,

But I'm OK, I'll read about it sometime.


I hear world peace has broken out finally,

Dancing and singing wildly

But I'm OK, I'll Youtube it later


I hear it's that family birthday time of year,

Cake, presents, the same faces,

But I'm OK, I'll catch it next year.


The outside is cold or too hot

Too busy, too far and too much

I'll just stay here where the lights and the screens crackle

Feeding my mind, body and soul to the shackle


I'll see you later, maybe...



◄ Peripathetic

Echoes of playtime ►


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Tue 11th Jun 2024 13:26

Thank you and I would agree. I have found since Covid that social circles have decreased to the point of extinction with most people rather more content to stay home. We seemed to have been brought together by the reality and extremity of isolation and now struggling to adjust to the new normal.

Thank you for your comment

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David RL Moore

Mon 10th Jun 2024 11:54

It may not be the case but to me this piece of writing reflects how easy it is to disable ourselves into isolation.

The so called advancement in communication seems to have triggered our ability to disconnect from real face to face human interactions...One day the focus might have to swing back to learning about human interaction to fix the damage done by such isolation.

As with most things it is balance that is required. But when we are bombarded (if we so wish to be) with reminders of how repellent much of human behaviour is these days why might we wish to venture beyond our front doors.

A good questioning and provocative piece of writing.


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