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Monday in Tier 4, New Year Jan 4

Facebook is full of futility;
pandemic emotional ping pong
vapid mini Directors spouting “truth”
proving a point to the other side

The class divide is dividing us,
fuelled by media-driven Morgans 
who needs to create division to thrive
pointless pricks with absent minds
Propaganda piloted, spoon-feeding 

Humans walk past Joe the homeless, 
humming on their way into work
happily still able to keep their routine
Coughing Covid over him as they walk
Then come home, hate text about their day.

Death, dying, gone fills children’s minds,
playgrounds full of adults drinking,
Karen’s spitting down the phone -
the kids love it when she’s at home
The veil of her is their sun and moon. 


ChildrenfamilyhomelessLockdownMediaparentsTiers; Covidworking

◄ The unkindness of Covid

To Rach ►


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Ferris Ty Taylor

Sat 3rd Apr 2021 09:38

This is excellent. I love it so much!

<Deleted User> (18980)

Mon 4th Jan 2021 10:53

It's incredibly easy to write about negativity, yet there is no end of positive things out there. I can think of a couple off the top of my head, but I won't let on as I don't want to deprive the doom-mongers of their fun.

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Tony Hill

Mon 4th Jan 2021 09:57

Powerfully expressed. I enjoyed reading this. Tony


Mon 4th Jan 2021 08:53

Refreshingly forthright EJS.

An enjoyable well put together read.


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