The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Tony Hill

Updated: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 06:26 pm

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An infrequent visitor to the site.


LINEN For two weeks now in this rented room we’ve sweated together, our every move only serving to fan the flames as they died, two fish out of water, panting and fevered, desperate for what little air the shuttered windows allow. I dream of what’s to come: two linen sheets we’ve put aside to make a bed, one as crisp as any service we might have paid for, two cool linen sheets for us to unfold, snap into place, a bed for us to lie in and to dream in, that new correctness against the skin, like a field of stubble crossed against the grain when the sun is shrouded in surmise. Two white linen sheets as cold as autumn.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Rasa Kabaila

Sat 10th Jul 2021 07:50

Thanks for stopping by my profile Tony. I'm glad you enjoyed 'Tinder Tango'!

Can you tell me more about the inspiration behind 'Linen'? I love your words—somewhat cryptic and still expressive.

Your doggy is gorgeous. Rescue dog I hear? Aren't you a blessing.

Have a wonderful day.

Best wishes,

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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 3rd Jan 2021 22:16

Never heard of Miss Mary's walk, although I have walked to Hesleden via the cycle track.
And, like you, when I was a lad, any sign of a derelict building & I was in! At least we lived to tell the tale!


Fri 1st Jan 2021 11:00

You are the only one reading poetry this New Years Eve.
Good for you and....
good for me!
Have a Happy New Year!
we need one to make up for this year!


Thu 31st Dec 2020 14:25

no offense
no problem

glad you rescued that dog
he's so happy looking

does he speak Spanish?


Thu 31st Dec 2020 00:47

cute dog!

I am simple
and thus
the simple poem.

<Deleted User> (9882)

Sun 25th Oct 2020 19:48

My dear friend Tony, sorry that I missed your 'invite' earlier on but one was in the midst of composing ? please forgive what may have appeared to you as an ignorant decline

but I can assure you twas not!

catch you some other time.

( Thylacine-wonderful wonderful poem-well done squire! )

Rose ?

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 18th Oct 2020 15:30

Spot on Tony, melancholia is what I wished to achieve ?

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