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Television (Remove filter)

Telly belly

The evening wears on

While outside in the garden

Golden leaves cling on

The light is just right

For us to enjoy the night


Cradling a belly of joy

Not a girl or a boy

Crisps, dips and all the chocs

You are mine

A love on the rocks


Binging another show

In the warmth of the TVs glow

Mine is growing

increasing, expanding and showing


My telly bel...

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Cinematic Dream

I'll sit and stare at the television
Get lost in this virtual prison
Life is not easy no yellow brick road
Or matrix created by some dark code
The sum of all fears, dreams on elm street
Jason and Michael a Halloween treat
Escape from a prison, follow schindlers list
Down eight mile, to listen to diss
Maybe get shorty, like a dark John Wick
Equaliser, rambo you take your pick
Chaos and ma...

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Switch on     

Tune in         

Press the button

Change channel

Let the light come

And watch the flickering pictures

Watch the people

And see their faces

Switch over when you’re bored

If you fancy the races

They’re on channel four

Change channel

Press the button

Try the running chasing action show

Although a murder mystery is more my style


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The Communications Trilogy Pt:1 Television

Hi everybody

 So I have written a trilogy of poems based on the subject of communication. I have rather inventively decided to call them The Communications Trilogy.

 The first on the Trilogy is Television, whilst I am someone who is generally pessimistic about the media and government and don't really believe a word of what we are told, I do suffer from a subconscious paranoia. Beaten i...

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