The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

satire (Remove filter)

The Sparrow and the Dove

In the grand tradition of poetic rivalries, two ancient Roman mastersā€”Catullus (84 - 54 B.C.) and Martial (40 - 104 A.D.)ā€”turn love, lust, and literary wit into a battle of birds. Catullus mourns the death of his beloved's passer (sparrow) in a tender yet teasingly erotic elegy, while Martial, never one to miss a joke, takes the metaphor and runs with itā€”boasting that his columba (dove) ...

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CatullusMartialRoman poetryerotic poetryhumourancient Romesatirepoetry rivalrylove and lustpoetic wit

A Heavenly Hustle

The Iglesia del final de los tiempos makes it possible: buy your way into heaven, cleanse your sins with cash, and bottle holiness for personal use. From virginity certificates to antifreeze-laced wineā€”pay up and be saved. Or scammed. For more bizarre offerings, check out their store at Iglesia del final de los tiempos.

Heavenā€™s cheapā€”just name your price, a plot of land for paradise. Fi...

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greedcorruptionfalse prophetsreligious exploitationheaven for salefake salvationfaith as businesssatirescam churchesspiritual deception

TIEd Up in Overcompensation

These two sharp and cheeky limericksĀ pokeĀ fun at Trumpā€™s famously long tie ā€” and what it might be compensating for. They eachĀ want to wrapĀ political satire and playful innuendo into five perfect lines.

Trumpā€™s tie hangs down to his thigh, to distract from whatā€™s small ā€” wonder why? He shouts and he brags, but rumour still nags: Itā€™s all just a well-tailored lie. And another:


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satirehumourlimerickTrumppolitical humournaughty poetrywordplaytie jokeadult humourinnuendo

The Piper's Lament

Wee Willieā€™s agent made the call

Willie wasnae expecting it at all

As in his bed he idly lay

That fateful January day

ā€œGet up Willie, Tam exclaimed

Get oot your bed and leave yer hame

Get on your kilt, your brogues, your hose

And grab your pipes and don your clothes

Iā€™ve had a call from the SRU

The very man they need is you

This is no wind up, itā€™s the truth

They ...

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humoursatiresix nationsrugbybagpipesScotland

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