The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Fact-Check Paradox

"The Fact-Check Paradox" explores the contradiction at the heart of modern fact-checking: while meant to clarify truth, fact-checkers often impose their own interpretations, leaving people uncertain about what’s verified and what isn’t. This creates a paradox where the pursuit of truth may, in fact, cloud independent judgment. The poem tries to emphasise the need for individuals to think for thems...

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truthfreedomfact-checkingsocial mediacensorshipopinionbiasregulationpublic discourse

The Weight of Negativity

The Weight of Negativity unveils the profound psychological truths behind humanity's bias towards negative experiences, thoughts, and impressions. Rooted in evolutionary survival mechanisms, this piece hopefully explores how our minds magnify fears, criticism, and catastrophes while overshadowing acts of kindness, peace, and progress. By dissecting the "negativity effect," the work tries to offer ...

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psychologynegativitybiasevolutionmediasurvivalhumanityperceptionawarenessemotional healthbehavioral science

#1 (bitter pangs)



Bitter pangs

Leak puddling

To the floor


The GP




By women

Crying 'ouch'

For sick notes

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biaschronic illnessesChronic painmisogynyNHSNHS reformsexismshamesickness

Sex Overlooking The Sunset

It was surprising that after work, on Thursday,

she wanted to meet and share her bed with a man, again.

Maybe men, even, she thought, suddenly indecisive and guilty,

but for society, men, peers, their judgment, their pursed lips and nods of disapproval.

Now that she was almost home, her fireplace and Scotch seemed dearer, as usual;

the icy blanket of her acceptance of undesired celi...

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ageoldsocietyprejudicebiasdivorcesexlovelonelinessnightalienationlifesunsetsexualityintimacylibidomaking loveshamefamily

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