divorce (Remove filter)
The Affair
The Affair
Those secret embraces
In various places.
He loved how they fumbled
Until they were rumbled.
It added some spice
To his cold, empty life:
But it upset the wife
And so he was forced
Into getting divorced.
Now they are Legit
There’s no fun in it.
Thursday 19th December 2024 5:00 pm
Marry or Divorce
If your shirt has no button
and your trousers are roughened,
if your jacket is so crushed
and your carpet needs a brush,
if you can’t find a clotheshorse
and all the time just, curse
There is only one way out:
to marry or divorce.
Larisa Rzhepishevska
Sunday 25th August 2024 2:59 pm
Gone Girl
I collect up the pieces of my former life
Photos, articles, trinkets and pictures,
that reverberate with a life once lived,
far away from where I am now.
I was once a borderline, edging death.
A cathartic catchpole where I caught nothing but pain.
Grazing on the remnants of the past, I realise
that I was set up to fail.
No one there to see the beating heart of kindness.
...Wednesday 27th March 2024 6:52 pm
Burnt Toast Tomorrow
Home before 8 he’d say,
dinner on the table,
but the clock struck
quarter past my patience,
and the milk he’d sought out
had curdled,
sister and I
will have burnt toast tomorrow.
But no loss for he,
his thirst had been quenched,
feasting on white lies
and mother’s restless sighs.
An appetite fit for a king he’d say,
but so far could he fall
from those kingdom castle steps.
Sunday 29th August 2021 2:07 am
From Merriment to Misery
It all starts in an oxytocin bath,
drowning in aphrodisiac dreams.
Best friends sweating through
amorous bouts of battering lust.
You begin purposeful procreation
and embrace coparenting with zest.
In a blink, you go from saying “they’re
so cute and tiny” to “they grow up so fast”!
Bliss you’ve had and content you’ve been,
but somehow merriment becomes misery.
You begin to hoard a st...
Tuesday 15th December 2020 12:47 pm
The Other Woman
The Other Woman
I feel sorry for her
She believes your lies
Wipes tears from your eyes
She thinks you care,
Always be there.
We know that’s fake
Rotten wedding cake,
Broken vows,
Affairs with old cows,
Twisted memories told,
Left out in the cold.
Beaten and broken,
Heart torn open,
All still to come,
Treated like scum,
The future holds this,
...Tuesday 6th October 2020 7:24 pm
Glad Eye
The pandemic's killing the divorce rate
Those with any sense are not straying
My wayward tendencies are history
These days I spend my time praying
What good is my cute smile anymore?
Why bother all that dressing to impress?
When you're stuck in the house bingeing
How to find someone nice to undress?
When I do venture out a mask is essential
But my George Cloone...
Monday 28th September 2020 10:48 am
The roaring blender
The fresh vegetables
A nice dessert
Sweet and sour
All were ready to pour
It was a long conversation
Ticking clock
I looked at the papers
Signed and silent
All done
I am done
Small quiet room
Fridge in the corner
Goodbye to an old dishwasher
At 9 o' clock on Friday night
The snow was rushing down
a kiss goodnight
a whisper as I closed the window,
Sunday 17th May 2020 12:49 pm
We Must Be Fair To Belinda
Like small children divorces are messy
Legal fees only add to the frustration
But perhaps the hardest thing of all
Is coping with an ex-partner's indignation
It's not easy but we must be fair to Belinda
She gave me the best years of her life
After all she is the mother of my kids
She was, all in all, a half-decent wife
Of course dear, you are my partner now
Thursday 30th April 2020 11:33 am
I loved you
I loved you
From the moment I saw you
Black beanie
Cigarette hanging from the side of your mouth
Dripping in hurt and cynicism
My imperfect reflection
We spent days in bed
Hid from the world
Made our own
You were the light in my darkness
The first to really see me
The first to truly love me
What you gave me I'd never had before
...Friday 17th May 2019 9:26 pm
It's been a year since you've been gone and I'm still picking up the pieces,
You were often my strength but more so my weakness,
Everyday you're on my mind I can't escape these thoughts,
It makes my chest burn and my stomach twist into knots,
Sometimes I feel like its too much to handle,
What you did to me was truly a scandle,
All the times that we shared and everything that we w...
Tuesday 29th January 2019 8:16 am
Sex Overlooking The Sunset
It was surprising that after work, on Thursday,
she wanted to meet and share her bed with a man, again.
Maybe men, even, she thought, suddenly indecisive and guilty,
but for society, men, peers, their judgment, their pursed lips and nods of disapproval.
Now that she was almost home, her fireplace and Scotch seemed dearer, as usual;
the icy blanket of her acceptance of undesired celi...
Friday 21st July 2017 9:10 pm
They battle.
Kids in the middle.
Swords drawn,
Jousting parents.
Children crying,
Caught in the middle,
Lovers tiff,
Family rift,
Place of pain,
Still fighting,
Still battling,
No agreement,
No rest bite,
Kids a weapon.
Mass destruction.
Can't save them.
Parents scar them.
Divorce ruins them,
Trust betrayed.
Love lo...
Tuesday 4th July 2017 9:50 pm
Water works
God's love is unconditional
but he shut up the seas behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb
and set its doors and bars in place
when he said, " This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt.
So I won't let you drown me
as your tears fill the dead living room
I proceed to leave.
When I was younger I would stay
and try my hardest to row, row,
Friday 24th February 2017 2:39 am
In the beginning
In the beginning he would wake at every peculiar sound that came from the babies crib
In the beginning he would bring me a beverage as I fed his son whilst the moon was dimly lit
In the beginning he would rush home from work eager to see the family he created
In the beginning we were the people whom he could be himself and escape with
In the beginning we were enough
He wou...
Tuesday 3rd January 2017 2:37 pm
We're the throw away
The use em and lose em
Like old cars
you trade us in
for new models
After putting
one hell of alot of miles
on us
One man's trash
is another's treasure
So here I sit
on the Goodwill's shelf
like the Velveteen Rabbit
Waiting for
a Real Man...
By Lynn Hahn
Saturday 31st December 2016 5:44 pm
Marry Or Divorce
If your shirt has no button
and your trousers are roughen,
if your jacket is so crushed
and your carpet needs a brush,
if you can’t find a clotheshorse
and all the time curse
There is only one way out:
to marry or divorce.
Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
Thursday 27th October 2016 12:32 pm
That'll Cost You the Kettle
They married young and grew apart, as people often do.
Future life for both of them will be with someone new.
The problem though, was cash so short
they could not move their home.
Until some savings could be made,
and low cost rents be found.
Circumstance demanded that
the bed must still be shared.
Things were tough, no time for fun,
except for weekend booze.
Friday 20th May 2016 5:10 pm
Been working hard loving
working hard chances way too many, many
you’re foolish not to let me go
you helped me walk when i was off
you told me this was the last time
i’m sure its nice to change the bloody razors
maybe turn back the clocks
those where the days
I know i fucked it up
I know i was the clown, banana peel
you come around, you hear the sounds
...Thursday 28th January 2016 10:03 pm
No Mercy!
A Rant
by a Drunk & Angry Poet!
Fuck you! You selfish bastard
You wanker, prick & runt
You think that I deserve this
You're an ugly little cunt
Throughout our 14 years
Via your manipulation
You've broken me piece by piece
Now I'm changing that situation
You think that you can fuck her
And keep me as a friend
You think I'll take it lying down
Believe me this is the end
Thursday 28th January 2016 2:34 pm
I don’t wanna be on of those guys
out of place
emotional problem solving, constant
it sounded good on paper
now just more different
she this
he that
beautiful children!
he’s being such and such a way
they don’t know where things are
why are they even arguing?
what people are we?
is today the same as yesterday?
yesterday as in when...
Wednesday 27th January 2016 4:47 pm
My heart is breaking
Particles of glass are shattering
The happiness that once existed is now but a lost memory
I will truly miss the way we used to be
A family once one whole
Now two halfs, and I am in the middle.
I push myself away,
I can always stay strong for the rest of the day
Behind closed doors I am a wreck
My heart can't help wondering what will break next
Thursday 19th March 2015 1:19 pm
Human Wreckage
See their faces so jaded
With all the torturous barking they hear
Over and over and over again
Assaulting their innocent ears
Our mouths keep spitting out poison
There’s bile wrapped in every word
After all these years of affection
How did our love become so absurd?
And I hope, just hope
You sleep sound and safe in your single bed on this night
I kn...
Monday 14th October 2013 6:28 pm
Pull Apart The Perfect Nest
So then, stick by stick
tonight we tear off strip after strip
the newest feathers first
then the older twigs and vines
with each one
my heart drops
until there's nothing left
and nowhere lower
just empty branches
where our sweet home once was
Inch by inch
we pack and divide the moss
all the soft things we've collected
years of careful, loving selection
pecking them away, each and e...
Monday 26th July 2010 1:08 pm
moving on
moving on
you wear your bones
on the outside now.
the smile that once danced
at all our parties,
now a recluse.
folded arms protect the place
where I once died
a past eternity of joys
you spit formalities begrudgingly,
take every chance to turn your face -
still managing to leave
a shadow of
i knot my tongue,
stem the flow of words;
worthless now, disarmed
...Friday 10th April 2009 3:05 pm
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