The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

do not be disheartened.

do not be disheartened
from the powers that be

they shape our media,
close our borders,
delegitimise our freedom,
emasculate our men,
oppress our women,
suppress queer identity,
profile non-white skin.

they take our taxes,
pay their bankers bonuses,
privatise and pollute our water,
shape our education,
control our minds,
continue colonial wars.

they steal oil and gas from the sea,
cause genocide,
spread disinformation.

do not be disheartened.

their power is borrowed,
ours is boundless.

professional poets,
do not be disheartened.

this poem contains:
no metaphors,
no similes,
no alliteration,
no onomatopoeia.

do not be disheartened.

for it contains a beautiful chaos—
exposing the powers that be,
preparing for a future of possibility.

do not be disheartened. 


futurepossibilitypoliticsqueerlgbt+racismclimate changeeducationtaxpollutionidentity freedommedia

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 25th Jan 2025 15:31

United we stand, divided, we fall.

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